Today’s Topic: Journey to the Feasts of Israel: Plagues of Egypt Part 3
Scripture: Exodus 9:1-7; 8-12
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
We are continuing our look at the plagues of Egypt and their target.
5th Plague: The Cattle of Egypt (Exodus 9:1-7)
Now why would God kill the cattle of Egypt? There are two reasons economic reasons and religious reasons. Now for economic reasons, remember, the economy back then was really gauged by agriculture and you needed cattle to assist you in that endeavor and of course some of the cattle gave milk. So when God killed the cattle, this created a famine but how He killed them was even more devastating. In verse 3 it speaks of the murrain. The murrain is a disease that is contagious among cattle. Now the farming of the land was now extremely difficult. But just like the other 4 plagues God is demonstrating His power over the false gods of Egypt and the target was two false gods. Hathor, who is the goddess of the deserts, is represented as a human body with a cow head. The other false god is Apis. Apis has a bull for a head and is also the god of the deserts. So remember we see the natural side to this but there is also a corresponding spiritual side. Now this particular god, Apis was one that was very familiar with the Israelites because after being delivered from Egypt, remember when Moses went up in the mount and there was singing and dancing at the bottom? Remember they built a golden calf and began to worship it? This golden calf was the false god Apis. Now the cattle of the Hebrews in all of this was not harmed (vs. 6)
6th Plague: Boils (Exodus 9:8-12)
This plague was to target the bodies of men. These boils and if anybody has had one, they know it is very painful and you cannot touch that area. But imagine if it was all over your body. This pestilence attacked all of the Egyptians including the magicians and none of them could find a cure for the pestilence. In turn it showed how powerless the gods of cures in Egypt were. Thoth, the ibis headed god of intelligence and medicinal learning; Apis, Serapis and Imhotep were all the gods targeted by this particular plague and it showed that the gods of Egypt which should protect them and cure them could not.
7th Plague: Fiery Hail (Exodus 9:22-26)
Egypt is typically a sunny land and barely there is no rain. But in this plague there was devastation raining from the sky in the form of fiery hail. Now the various gods of Egypt who should have come and protect the people were:
1. Shu – the wind god
2. Nut – the sky goddess
3. Horus – The hawk-headed sky god of Egypt
Now after this plague in Exodus 9:27, Pharaoh acknowledges the Lord (Yahweh) is righteous and his people are wicked. After seeing this devastation, I would do the exact same. God was single-handedly wiping out Egypt and showing that all of those gods they had could not touch or do anything for them when you have judgment from the Lord, Yahweh.
In the next message we will look at the 8th and 9th plague and see how God continues His judgment on Egypt and please keep in mind. The fate of the people rested in the hands of its leadership, Pharaoh. Can you image what pride and stubbornness by one man did to that nation in that day? Do not think for one minute that God cannot bring judgment today on many of our very own nations for the people we elect in office knowing that they do not fear the Lord, Elohim, Yahweh, Jesus. They do what they are influenced to do and when the nation does not stand for the interests of the Almighty God, the nation suffers, just like Egypt for the sins of the leadership.
At the Father’s Service,
Elder Calvin Calhoun Jr.
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