Today’s Topic: The Coming of the Passover: The 10th Plague
Scripture: Exodus 11:4-10
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Before God brings wrath upon anybody, he warns them and tells them to repent. Now after all the warnings, if you do not repent then God follows through on what He has promised. Now God has spoken through Moses to Pharaoh to let the children of Israel go. We have gone through nine plagues and Pharaoh is still stubborn and will not let them go. Satan is just like this, he will hold on and try to prevent you from experiencing Kingdom life as long as he can even though God is ringing down His wrath but Pharaoh, just like Satan will succumb to judgment.
10th Plague: Death of the Firstborn (Exodus 11:4-10)
Now God explains to Moses what this last plague is tells him that afterwards Pharaoh will let the children of Israel go. This is one of the most devastating plagues from the standpoint now death will come in and the lives of the children will be taken and I want us to pay very close attention to this. Because of the sins of the leader and the parents, the lives of the children will now be sacrificed, even in Pharaoh’s family. Now if you know anything about royalty the son of Pharaoh would eventually become Pharaoh just as Ramses did in Moses time. Ramses was the step brother of Moses when Moses lived in the Palace with Pharaoh and his family. But let’s read the scripture of what was to come. Let’s start at verse 4:
“And Moses said, Thus saith the Lord, About midnight will I go out into the midst of Egypt: And all the firstborn in the land of Egypt shall die, from the first born of Pharaoh that sitteth on the throne, even the firstborn of the maidservant that is behind the mill and all the firstborn of the beasts”
Can you imagine the horror and devastation that brings upon one family to lose their firstborn? Now picture an entire country including the livestock of that country. God knew that Pharaoh would let the children of Israel go after this devastation. This plague did not harm the children of Israel per Exodus 11:7. But the children of Israel were witnesses to these 10 plagues upon the land of Egypt. They also noticed how they were spared and the Egyptians suffered. This is symbolic of God pouring out his wrath on the beast (The Global Kingdom) but yet still protecting His people and His church in the same land. Now like all plagues I have showed you that the gods of Egypt were targeted for judgment also now I want to prove it in scripture and this should be confirmation for all of us who are affiliated in any way with these false gods. Please pay attention to Exodus 12:12:
“For I will pass through the land of Egypt this night, and will smite all of the firstborn in Egypt, both MAN AND BEAST AND AGAINST ALL THE GODS OF EGYPT WILL I EXECUTE JUDGMENT; I AM THE LORD!
Now when God ends with “I am the Lord” then you can guarantee this will without a certainty happen. Do we not believe for the sins of our fathers the children suffer? God hates false god worship when you have declared He is the Lord and Savior and you are still connected spiritually to a false deity. This is evident in the plagues against Egypt, especially this one.
Now what I love about God is that God prepares His people so that they are ready and will not faint at the sight of what He is going to do. This is why preparation is vital and is always present throughout the Bible. God had to prepare His people for this plague because there had to be a sign, a symbol that these people are mine and everyone else will suffer the wrath of the Lord in this day.
In the next message we will look at how God prepared His people for the Lord’s Passover.
At the Father’s Service,
Elder Calvin Calhoun Jr.