Today’s Topic: Feast of Weeks for the Saints (Pentecost)
Scripture: Acts 1 - Acts 2:1-41; Leviticus 23:15-21
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Now in the last message we looked at the Feast of Weeks and what it meant for the Jews and this is what it means to them in summary:
The Meaning of Shavout (Feast of Weeks) to the Jews
· It was 50 days from the crossing of the Red Sea to Mt. Sinai
· The Commandments were given
· The Law of God (Yahweh) was written in stone
· 3,000 people were slain for false god worship of Apis (Golden Calf)
Now if this is a type and shadow what does the Feast of Weeks mean for the saints? Well we know it also means Pentecost so we know we will be at Acts 2 but let’s bullet point this and when you see it, I know your spirit will jump for joy!
The Meaning of Pentecost (Shavout) to the Saints
· It was 50 days from the resurrection of Christ before the disciples received the Holy Spirit in Jerusalem (Acts 2:1-4)
· The Holy Spirit was given
· The Law of God (Yahweh) was written in our hearts
· 3,000 people were baptized and saved (Acts 2:41)
Do we see this! The Feasts of God are also meant to be prophetic to the timing of the coming of the Messiah and the Return of the Messiah. But what is so significant about this feast for us is that for the Jews they were made a nation on this day, but in Acts 2 this was the birth of the church! Being the church and a Kingdom citizen preserves you and protects you unto the Return of the Messiah. See the Law that was given back then when they celebrated the Feast of Weeks kept the nation and preserved them until the Messiah comes and fulfills the Law. Well the Messiah came and fulfilled the Law but many have not accepted Jesus as the Messiah that came 2,000 years ago so they are still waiting for the arrival of the Messiah and the Law preserves them and keeps them. We as Kingdom citizens when we accepted Jesus and received the Holy Spirit are now preserved eternally and we await the Return of the Messiah. The Birth of the Church happened on the Day of Pentecost. This Feast of Weeks was a prophecy and was it fulfilled? Absolutely yes and we can prove it! Look at Acts 2:1 and read slowly:
Acts 2:1: “And when the day of Pentecost (Shavout) WAS FULLY COME, they were all with one accord in one place.”
The key words are capitalized. Why would it say fully come? Because that day and feast happened annually and once a prophecy has been FULLfilled then it is done. So at the end of the Feast of Weeks the new offering is the birth of the church and restoration of the sons of God. What a powerful revelation! Now the Lord just showed me this when the children of Israel finally got to Mt. Sinai, were not all of them in one place when they were birthed as a nation? That is why the scripture says that they were all with one accord in one place when the Holy Spirit came like a mighty wind. So the 50th day of the Feast of Weeks was the day that Israel became and nation under God’s Law and it now is the day that the Church was born under the Blood of the Lamb and the Law of God was grafted into their hearts.
Now I will give you this ahead and will revisit it in the end. In the age of man we are between the Feast of Pentecost and the Feast of Trumpets. We are between the fourth and fifth feasts of God. If you light the Menorah from left to right at this point, the Feast of Pentecost would be the middle light of the Menorah. So we are past halfway through the age of man. What a powerful thought. This is why even though we are a New Testament creation, the Old Testament is vitally important. God has taken me for the most part out of the New Testament to do this series to show me in the Old Testament the meaning of all of this that He ordained for the children of Israel. It was not just for them to know and understand but also for the church so that we will have knowledge. Our Israeli brothers and sisters have a slight advantage in the sense of celebrating these feasts then when they are saved and come into the Kingdom, they have a slightly better insight into why their fore fathers and family members do these things and celebrate these feasts. And I would like to thank some of my Israeli brothers and sisters for allowing God to use them and post this vital knowledge on the web so that we have the blessing and opportunity to learn not just about their culture but also the origin and reason why we are who we say we are and why we do what we do.
At the Father’s Service,
Elder Calvin Calhoun Jr.