House of God
Today’s Topic: Kingdom Concepts and Rulership Part 3
Scripture: Matthew 28:19
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
When you talk about kingdoms there is also a discussion of the civilization that exists in that kingdom. Simply put a civilation is the culture of a people. The culture is the civil order and behavior of the people. Now when we talk about the expansion of the Kingdom of God the concept we want to look at is colonization.
Colonization is when a kingdom or country come into a foriegn land and take over. Instead of making the people in the land slaves, they teach the people the ways of the kingdom or country that is now in rule. Now let's bring it to the Kingdom of God and the House of God. The headquarters or Throne of the Kingdom is located in Heaven and that is home. God sends His sons and His Kingdom to the Earth (foreign land). Now that the Kingdom of God has returned to the Earth, God wants His children to be viceroys or vice kings and bring His rulership and culture to the Earth. The territory that God wants to rule is the hearts of men and not physical land. So God employs His children in various places to disciple people in the culture of the Kingdom. What a powerful concept. Colonization has always been a Kingdom concept. Jesus said it best in
Matthew 28:19: "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit."
What was King Jesus doing in the Great Commission of Matthew 28. He was deploying kings, ambassadors and sons of God in the earth to colonize the Earth with Kingdom culture. They would do this through discipleship and empowerment through Holy Spirit.
What has happen is we have separated the son from the ruler and when that happens and there is a lack of knowledge of how authority flows in the Kingdom. When you do not understand you are a son and your power is restricted by the King then when you look at ruling you see it as how to dominate your enviroment for your benefit. Remember ruling is not about us having power and authority for our desires and will. So the purpose is to rule and the standard of rule is to establish the Divine Order of the King in the Earth.
So we are the vice kings who stand in the place of the King to bring the culture of the Kingdom into the Earth.
At the Father’s Service,
Elder Calvin Calhoun Jr.
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