House of God
Today’s Topic: The Design of the Children of God
Scripture: Genesis 1:26; Genesis 2:7; John 20:22
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
The question is how does a Heavenly family come to the earth? The way God did this is He created a being called man and formed Him from the dust of the ground (Genesis 2:7). The most important thing in the creation of man is the part that gives man his being and life and that is when God breathed the Breath of Life and then man became a living soul or being. The Breath of Life is Holy Spirit. After Jesus was ressurected from the dead in John 20:22 it says Jesus breathed on them (disciples) and said "Receive ye the Holy Spirit."
Now by God giving man His Spirit, mankind was very unique in contrast to the rest of creation. Mankind would be the offspring, sons of God and when creation sees them they will also see the Creator. Now besides creation from dust, mankind was uniquely designed for two purposes.
1. To be His children
2. To extend His Heavenly Kingdom to the Earth.
Our base scripture for this discussion is Genesis 1:26:"And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth
To be His Children
This is such a vast subject but for this message we will lay the foundation. When God created man He created Him with the intent to be His children or sons. So if God is going to create children then in the same hand the children should look like Him. Hence in Genesis 1:26 says God made us in His image. God's image is Spirit. So the image God gives His children is that of Himself so when creation sees the children, they will also see the Creator. Finally, the children will be discipled by the Father, through their spiritual fathers to have the nature, character and ways of the Father. Now this is a snippet of what we will discuss in this series.
To Extend the Heavenly Kingdom to the Earth
This is a powerful concept to grasp but once again just a snippet of discussions to come. The way the Kingdom comes to Earth is through the children of God. How do we know? In Genesis 1:26 it also says that "dominion" was given to mankind also. Dominion is royal power that comes from the Throne of God to the children on Earth. Why would God give the children power? Power is the evidence of the unseen Kingdom and God. In addition it gives us the ability to do the work of the Father in the Earth. Adam could not command the animals and tend to the needs of the Garden without the royal power from Heaven. It was Heaven that established earth so it is Heaven that understands the ways the creation works and how they even show something specific about God. This is why we have to be children and be willing to submit to the rulership of the King so we can be empowered to do the Will of the One who sends us whose name we are called by.
At the Father’s Service,
Elder Calvin Calhoun Jr.