Culture of the Kingdom
Today’s Topic: Origin of the Culture of the Kingdom
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
One mistake that many Kingdom citizens make is believing that all of this Kingdom talk and culture did not come on the scene until the New Testament but I want to show you that Kingdom culture is nothing new since the time in the Garden. From the time of Adam God setup a heavenly culture to function among human beings. Now the full understanding of this what God did would not be revealed until the Holy Spirit returned and abided in man. But when God made the Garden and then made mankind, God discipled Adam in the ways and character of the Father so that the impact and power of the Heavenly Kingdom can come from Heaven to Earth. Now when Adam sinned in the Garden, He lost Holy Spirit and was then sentenced to die just as God promised he would do if mankind sinned against God. Now God did not immediately wipe-put Adam, He actually kept him around for the purpose that a culture of God the Father and humans as His sons would predominate the culture of mankind for more than one thousand years. Now what God established as the Kingdom culture in the Garden was the norm. The culture of the Kingdom was the way God set up human society. Now when did mankind depart from this norm? When he sinned in the Garden and from that point we saw a decline in man, even to this day.
However, God in all of His infinite wisdom in knowing the end from the beginning already had a program designed to reconcile us and gives us full revelation into the original culture of the Earth, the Kingdom of God. Jesus comes, dies and was resurrected and on the day of Pentecost we see the birth of the church, the return of the Kingdom of God and the return of the culture of the Kingdom. Now that the Holy Spirit is once again abiding in man, now the revelation of the culture of the Kingdom can be revealed to mankind by Holy Spirit.
If you continue to let religion and the doctrines of man determine your interpretation of Scripture, at best you will only see and shadow of the truth. The only person that can accurately reveal the shadows and types and make the truths know to you is Holy Spirit. This is why you have to submit all of yourself to the will of the Father. If you look back over your life when in all of your church-going have you heard of the Kingdom culture. I, myself am just hearing about it in the past 2 years. So we have a lot of work to do with a little time. It is time to be about the Kingdom of God and exemplifying the original culture for mankind.
At the Father’s Service,
Elder Calvin Calhoun Jr.