Culture of the Kingdom
Today’s Topic: Apostles’ Doctrine: Order in the Kingdom
Scripture: Matthew 28:18
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
When we talk about the apostles we know they have a foundational gifting but also a gift to restore order in the Kingdom. Now these apostles have no power of themselves so the power and authority (grace) given to them is a delegated form of power and authority. So the grace is only as good as the source of that grace. So, who is the one that is the source of the grace to the apostles? Matthew 28:18: “All power is given unto me in Heaven and in Earth”. Who made that statement? It was the Lord, Jesus Christ. So we conclude that Jesus has plenary (complete) grace. The Lord, Jesus Christ then delegates the necessary power and authority to Holy Spirit and Holy Spirit then imparts the grace of God to us. So the order of the Kingdom is not some random sequence. It is a divine order and comes straight from the Living God. Now to understand this whole concept you have to repent from the current mindset or culture you are involved in.
If you live in the United States for example, because it is a democratic society, if you have never heard or attempted to understand the culture of the Kingdom then what you try to do is impose your culture knowledge to the Kingdom and that is incorrect. So if you have lived and breathed democracy then it is hard to believe that one person can have all of the power, know what is best for every person of that nation, then delegate that power appropriately to the right person. However, if you lived in a country that was under a monarch or kingdom style of rule then grasping this might not be as hard. In the Kingdom of God we have a King that knows what is best for every citizen. He delegates the right grace to the right person. Current church culture is so infused with democratic processes and let me say this: “Not all democratic processes are bad, democracy and freedom has allowed us in the United States to freely worship the Living God, but with such freedom comes much more responsibility and we as a nation will be judged for not following the decrees of the King. Now in earthly kingdoms, kings rule over physical land territory but in the Kingdom, Our King does not rule over land but wants to infect and rule the hearts of men on the Earth. The wonderful thing about all of that is that the earth is His already so He does not need physical land to rule. The administration of the authority the Jesus grants is to show the nature of God and we all know that God is love. So we must grasp as a concept of the culture of the Kingdom that we have a sovereign King who rules over all and His goal is to infect the Earth with the Kingdom through the hearts of men. The Kingdom of God is an absolute monarch. In other words, there is no compromise or vote, it is either what the King says or you are outside the Will of God. So when we look at our various church processes do we represent an absolute monarch?
If we truly believe Matthew 28:18 then why does the church have to vote on a Pastor if he is to be sent by God? If we believe Matthew 28:18 why do we feel the need to help God reach the youth? If we believe Matthew 28:18: why would the church vote to ordain homosexual bishops? If we believe Matthew 28:18 why do we feel we have to take secular music, change the words to it, then TRY to offer it back to God and call it a “move of God”? If something is absolute then it is complete much like the truth. Anything less than the whole truth is a lie because then the truth is not the truth because the truth is absolute in its application. The divine order of the Kingdom is built on the truth and the truth is not a thing but a person, Jesus Christ and every word of Jesus is the truth and His words are our commandments that we are to execute.
At the Father’s Service,
Elder Calvin Calhoun Jr.