Series Topic: The New Season
Today’s Topic: Introduction
Scripture: Exodus 19:10-13
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
There is a lot of talk about seasons, miracles, breakthrough, harvest and all of this throughout the church. For many people, they are lost and do not understand what this means. Much of it comes from the false doctrine of the prosperity gospel. But in this series I want to talk about the New Season. Believe it or not, many people are not living in the New Season. Now I do not want to fly over your head with this but in order to understand the New Season and especially the various seasons, within it, you must understand how God operates and does things to bring us into the New Season.
The New Season is not a season pertaining to weather such as spring, summer, autumn and winter. It is a heavenly season in which things in the Earth has changed and will not go back to the way things were before. So the first aspect of understanding the Seasons of God is knowing what is permissible and when. Let me give you a great example. Exodus 19:10-13 speaks about the Lord telling Moses to tell the children of Israel to go and prepare themselves for two days then on the third day, I (The Lord) will descend upon the mount. Now in those two days they were not permitted to go up to the mount or they would be killed. Now when the Lord descends on the third day then the children of Israel can come up to the mount. Now what I am showing you hear is there was a time that the children of Israel could not come up to the mount but then at the appointed time of God when He descends on the mount on the third day, all the rules change, or better yet, the season changes. Now the children of Israel can go to the mount. Now of course we know that they did not so they were given the Law at Mt. Sinai. But this is a small example of what is not permissible at one point in time, when God changes the seasons, it is now permissible to you. Now there is much background and foundational information we must lay out because if we do not then our understanding of this powerful revelation will be hindered.
When we look at the change in seasons one thing we know for sure that all of the things of the former season that survived in that season now change. Now if you choose not to change then you will see that God does not grant you grace in the thing that you are doing. For example, animals understand perfectly the change in seasons and the need to change with it. If an animal does not change the way it does things, whether it is migration or storing food in the previous season, then when the season changes that animal’s survival is at risk. Do we see this! For many churches and ministries, the seasons of God have changed and because they have not changed with the season, God does not grant grace to what they do, so they keep doing what they do and call it God. At one time what they did was permissible and grace was given but when the season changed, they chose to stay in that old season and now what a representation of God is now a representation of their own interests. I know this sounds hard but God is trying to move us from this complacent religious mindset. Now what has happened in the present church because of a lack of change, the church has become filled with personalities. In other words, it is all about the preacher and how wonderful he or she is. The people are excited about their church because of the preacher. Many people come into a worship service, hear the preacher hoop and holler, clap their hands to it and never got a message from the Lord. Sad to even some those who come ready to receive do not even get the message.
Has the church, based on its current state, changed seasons? If we look at an overview of the state of the church then the answer would be, no. For many churches we are so land-locked on our doctrine and our beliefs that when someone comes a tell us it is time to change from this state, we come against them and tell them that they are out of order and ostracize them for speaking what the Lord has told them. But my job and the job of the Kingdom citizens is not to persuade but present the truth. If you have a relationship with God then you know truth and all you have to do is be a willing vessel to present it. Now this is a warning and a warning to the current day church:
“We will start seeing more churches become extinct, powerless and ineffective if we do not change with the seasons God puts us in.”
Remember, at one time when God told you to do something, you were given grace and power to do such a thing during that time but when God changes the season, then that thing that you once did then is not given grace and becomes now a misrepresentation of what God is currently doing. Now I want to tell you this hear, God always prepares you for the change in His seasons before He does the actual change. Where we miss it, is we do not recognize the signs because we hold on to the former seasons activities.
I know this is rather blunt but the time is now and we need to change! But why would God want to change the seasons and what exactly is this New Season we are supposed to be living in? We will continue to lay the ground work for this in the next message.
At the Father’s Service,
Elder Calvin Calhoun Jr.