The New Season
Today’s Topic: Introduction Part 2: Eternal and Time
Scripture: 2 Corinthians 4:18
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
The reasons we miss the signs of the change in the seasons of God is because of our mindset. Let me use this scripture as our foundation for this message, 2 Corinthians 4:18:
“While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen; for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.”
Now there are two realms we live in. There is the realm of time and the realm of the eternal. Now depending on what realm you live in as your source, then that determines whether you advance in the New Season. Now let’s look at these two realms and we can answer those above questions because they must be answered.
When we look at the comparison between time and the eternal we must understand that the eternal is the source of time. In other words, time is the invention, eternal is the source of that invention. Can we prove that? Genesis 1:1: “In the BEGINNING GOD..” So the Word of God starts with the revelation that God was before anything was created and we know God is eternal. Then the verse continues: “In the beginning GOD CREATED THE HEAVEN AND THE EARTH.” So the Earth sits in a pocket of the eternal called time. And time was created by God from the eternal. Are we getting a picture yet? So in our previous series on the Seven Spirits of God we looked at the word eternal and in the Greek the word is “Aeion”. It has three meanings: An age, from age to age and endless ages. Now if God sits in the eternal and the eternal is the source and time is the invention then what should be our source for signs and revelation? The Eternal. The reason we make time the source is because we are born into time so we tend to think that time is the reality and everything else is a mystery or shadow. This is why many approach God as a mystery and a shadow because we think on the field of time and not the eternal. Two mindsets equaling two different outcomes and rationales. But the fact of the matter is the complete opposite and this is how God prepares us for the New Season. The types and the shadows are the things of the seen world. These things are used to prepare you for the actual thing that God is going to do in the Earth. But what does that mean?
God uses pictures or visual presentations to teach us about the eternal thing that God is bringing into time. Now the picture or visual presentation is not the actual thing itself, it is the representation of it. The thing itself will come after the people have been made ready and aware by the representation. God is not trying to confuse you but prepare you. He knows where your mindset is because He created you so He knows He has to give you bits and pieces at a time in a form that you can understand and once He finishes giving you all of the representation then you will be prepared to understand the thing that God is doing eternally in time. What an amazing concept. So the dominant realm is the eternal.
Let me give you this human example and then we will see it a little clearer. In the United States we have one nation made up of 50 individual states. Now these individual states govern themselves under the authority of the federal government. So what we have is Federal Law and State Law. Now the one thing that cannot happen is a state law triumph or rule over a federal law. That is why federal agents have jurisdiction in any state but state officials only have jurisdiction within that state. Now when there is a conflict, federal law always triumphs the state law because the federal law is the source or the dominant. This is how we need to approach between eternal thinking and natural (time) thinking. When understand that God does things eternally in the earth but takes the time to prepare us for the change in season then we look at the visual things or the pictures God is showing us. Live with what God has given us and prepare for the change.
In the next message we will continue this and show how God shows us the things and representations of the eternal thing to come.
At the Father’s Service,
Elder Calvin Calhoun Jr.