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Household of Calhoun

Friday, May 20, 2011

The Keeper of the House

Principals of the House of God: A Psalm 127 Study

Today’s Focus: The Keeper of the House

Scripture: Psalm 127; Revelation 3:1-6; Matthew 28:19-20

Greetings Kingdom Citizens

Psalm 127:1b states: Except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain. Now if the Lord is not watching over you then no matter what you do, you are a sitting duck for the enemy. Even if you had a watchman, if the Lord is not with him or her then your watching is in vain and this message is very serious.

The church at Sardis, one of the seven churches in Asia (Revelation 3:1-6) was a church that had a problem in the sense of living off of their past reputation. Jesus says they have a name, they live but they are dead. They are dead spiritually. Jesus calls for them to repent and do the first works which is the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) and then Jesus tells them to do something unique. He tells them to watch and strengthen the things that remain. Jesus wants them to get back to doing the Will of God and the Great Commission which they had received and heard. Now if you know anything about the city of Sardis you will know that they had a bad history of being conquered the same way twice. Because the look-out guard was not watching the fact that the enemy was watching him when he dropped his helmet over a cliff and down a hill, the enemy saw a way to enter the city and conquer it because the guard showed the enemy another way in. This happened twice!

We as the church are in between a spiritual war between God and the fallen angels and demons. These fallen spirits know they cannot defeat God so they will try to destroy and defile the children of God. If this is a spiritual war then we need spiritual eyes to watch over the House of God. These spiritual eyes is called the Spirit of Discernment. How can we see spiritual situations with natural eyes? You need spiritual eyes to see spiritual situations. Hence, God has set watchmen in the House of God to watch for the moves of the enemy. If we evaluate the current state of the church have we had watchmen set up? For the most part because of how worldly the church has become the answer would be no. Has God set watchmen in the Body of Christ? Yes! The problem is the watchmen warn of the moves of the enemy. God shows them what is going on and if the watchman is not the Pastor or leader of the church, many times they are discredited, shunned and persecuted. The reason this happens to them is because the things that they warn about are the very things that the people are doing and when the Word hits home, the people have a decision to make whether to listen and obey or continue in their wicked ways. So it is the Lord, not man, who set watchmen in the House of God to guard and warn the people. If God does not select them or if man appoints a “watchman” then no matter how much they watch, it is vain and they will succumb to the attacks of the enemy. This is why the scripture says “except the Lord keep the city then the watchmen waketh in vain”. The Lord is the keeper of His House and the wonderful thing is that He has servants that minister to the heirs of salvation. Who are they? They are the angels. The angels serve or minister to the sons of God. Are we in control of the angels? No! They are under the rulership and command of the Lord. We must allow God to add to the flock and watch over the flock. This can only be done in the power of God. He is our Father and our Source in the Kingdom of God. If we do anything that is outside of His Will and call it “God” we are simply wasting our time and energy and our works will be for naught.

Peace, Love and Grace from the Father,

Calvin Calhoun, Jr.