Culture of the Kingdom
Today’s Topic: The Work of Holy Spirit
Scripture: Romans 14:17,18
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
In the next one to two messages we will look at this most important topic. How does the work of Holy Spirit correspond to the culture of the Kingdom? We understand that it is Holy Spirit’s power and authority to interpret Scriptures and give us revelation. Now the central work of the Holy Spirit is found here in Romans 14:17,18:
“For the Kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but in righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. For he that in these things serveth Christ is acceptable to God and approved of men.”
So the result and evidence of the Kingdom of God is righteousness, peace and joy in the citizens of the Kingdom. Now if we look at what we call today “the church”. It is evident that culture and in some places the knowledge of Kingdom of God is absent. Let me show you. The present church does not represent a heavenly culture. It either represents a historic culture (such as the Roman church and all it’s offspring) or an ad-hoc culture which includes the Charismatic and some evangelical churches, especially the mega church. As it pertains to the ad-hoc culture it is the culture of the guy in charge and he makes it up as he goes along. It becomes a mixture of tradition and marketing. For example, if he came out of the baptist church then his core doctrine is baptist but the way he applies those doctrines will be based upon the market he is targeting. This is why we see so many churches using gimmicks and cultural entertainment to draw people into their church for membership. Forget about trying to disciple them because they were drawn by your methods and gimmicks and not be the Spirit of God. Now what further complicates the issue is when the church will cry out against the decline of society but on the same hand they are also contributing to its downfall. So what is the answer to this problem? The answer is the Culture of the Kingdom.
It is time for us to repent and focus on the Kingdom and living in the culture of the Kingdom. Now you must be aware of the current situation in the church. Many people have not heard of the Gospel of the Kingdom let alone the present day operation of the Kingdom of God on Earth. Now you have to allow Holy Spirit to show you this in your own respective churches.
1. Is the Gospel of the Kingdom being taught?
2. Is the Gospel of the Kingdom being preached?
3. Does your church believe in the Kingdom of God being present now and functioning in the Earth?
4. Does your church believe that the Kingdom of God has not come but still is to come?
Now the answer to #1 and #2 “should” be yes because it is the central message of Jesus Christ but depending upon how you answer #3 and #4 determines the culture within your church. If you answer yes to #3 then if the leadership is teaching, preaching and living in the Kingdom of God then your church should exemplify Kingdom culture. However if you answer yes to #4 then your church’s doctrine and purpose for saving people is for them to go to Heaven. Now we do have churches and denominations that believe that the Kingdom of God has not come yet but will come with the Return of the Lord. Now if this is the case then the gospel that is being preached emphasizes gong to Heaven and not living in the Kingdom of God on earth. The entire ministry of Jesus Christ was to show us the Father and the culture of the Kingdom. This required Jesus to be discipled. Huh? Jesus, the Son of God, had to be discipled?
In the next message we will look at that last question and show you the work of Holy Spirit with Jesus. Very interesting, but a scripturally sound concept that we must know if we are to live in the culture of the Kingdom.
At the Father’s Service,
Elder Calvin Calhoun Jr.