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Household of Calhoun

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Repentance Part 2: Benefits

Topic:  Repentance Part 2: Benefits

Greetings Sons of God:

When we talk about repentance most times we are looking at a change from the wrong mindset or action to the right.  So for most people when they hear repent they immediately think of the bad but there are benefits to repenting.  Yes, benefits, and if we truly repent we will see these benefits.  I will not type the Scriptures out because one of the major problems we have in the Body is we want to be spoon-fed all the information and Jesus said if YOU seek, YOU will find so I want to encourage you to go read these Scriptures and seek out the answers and understanding for yourself:

1.   Repentance reaps Rest (Isaiah 59:12-14; Matthew 11:28-30)
2.   Repentance reaps Forgiveness (James 5:15-16; 1 John 1:9, 10)
3.   Repentance reaps Mercy (Proverbs 28:13; Matthew 9:10-13)
4.   Repentance reaps Outpouring of the Spirit (Joel 2:12-28; Acts 2:37-41
5.   Repentance reaps Illumination of God’s Word (Hebrews 6:1-6; John 12:39-50)
6.   Repentance reaps Dominion (Micah 4:1-8; Luke 15:11-24)

The hard part and the aspect that many struggle with as it pertains to actually repenting is the denial of what has been “normal” to them.  These things range from behavior to even people who you associate with and call a friend who in actuality is a hindrance to your walk.  As believers we must embrace repentance.  The first elementary doctrine of Christ found in Hebrews 6:1 is repentance from dead works.  God does not want you to waste time.

“Time is a currency that you can never get back.  You are constantly spending so invest wisely”

Only God knows the amount of time you are to be on the Earth.  He desires for you to do the work the reveals the Heavenly reality of you being His son and manifesting His glory in the Earth.  All of these spiritual blessings that the Father desires to give us can only be obtained through repentance.   Repentance positions you with the Father.  The Scriptures declare that we are being changed from glory to glory and if we are being changed then we must embrace repentance because the Father is going to continuously reveal areas of our lives that we need to change that we may further manifest His glory and become a better representative of Him in the Earth.  It is through repentance and obedience that the fruit of our faith can be seen.  Oh yes, when you start repenting and making a true lifestyle change the first thing that will happen is you will begin to see the true intentions and character of those whom you call friends.  And many will you have to walk away from because they are not willing to follow Christ as you.   Do not fret, the Father has promised that he will never leave you nor forsake you but moreover he also promised that He will give you a hundred-fold more brothers, sisters, mothers and fathers in this lifetime.  That is a promise from God.  

Let me make sure that we embrace the right mindset to repentance because the carnal mind can slip one over you and then you will be trying to repent to get things and that is not the reason you repent.

You repent because your faults and/or something that is not like the Father is being revealed to you that you may make the change so that you may be LIKE your Father.  When you embrace repentance from that mentality everything else will come as the Father grants it.  Matthew 6:30-33 declares that we seek the rulership (Kingdom) of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be “added” or given to you.  You repent to become more like your Heavenly Father not because you want something.   

Peace and Grace

Calvin Calhoun

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Wisdom for the Week: Repentance Part 1

Topic: Repentance Part 1
Greetings Sons of God:
Over the next couple of weeks I want to share the Word of God with you as it pertains to three topics but are all significantly connected.  They are Repentance, Hypergrace and the Law.  Now for some of us the word that really jumps out at you is hypergrace.  Hypergrace is a term that you will come to know especially in this season and it is important to know what hypergrace is and how it is a rapidly growing doctrine that seeks to stunt the maturity of the sons of God today.  We are seeing a rapid growth of hypergrace churches and once you know what hypergrace is then when we look out at the church we can see the effects of this false doctrine is doing to many believers. 

Characteristics of Hypergrace churches are:
1. Embrace motivational preaching instead of the Word of God. 
2. Despise the Law of God and the acceptance of grace
3.  They deny the chastisement of the Lord and the fear or the Lord
4.  No Need to Repent

This is a very disturbing doctrine and the evidence of its impact can be seen in disorderly households (churches), corruption and lack of the power of God.  There is extreme emotionalism masking as a movement of the Spirit.  The way to remove this doctrine and eradicate it from the church begins with the very thing that it denies, repentance. 

Repentance is a change of the mind.  When one changes their mind they turn the opposite direction of which they are going and do the opposite of what they are doing.  The word repentance is one of the most powerful word in Scripture but before I tell you how let me share this. Hypergrace churches deny the dual nature of the believer.  What do I mean by dual nature?  The believer has a human nature and a divine nature.  Hypergrace churches only acknowledge the spirit nature of man.   Now this may sound good but it is not because to deny the human nature is to deny the sin nature contained within.  Let me show you in Scripture:

1 John 1:8,9:  If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.  If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.  

To deny the human nature is to deny the sin nature within us and so many who have adopted the hypergrace doctrine feel no need to repent because they take the grace of God as a occasion to sin.  In other words you hear them say this phrase:

"I know it is wrong but the Lord will forgive me"

This mentality goes to one of the characteristics seen in believers that have embraced the hypergrace doctrine and that is they deny the chastisement (correction) and the fear (respect and reverence) of the Lord.  You take a "arrogant" attitude because I am saved I can sin and God will forgive me without even thinking about any type of punishment for the sin because their perception of love is God being cuddly and sweet and never one who punishes us for disobedience.  But let me show you the folly in that mentality of those who embrace the hypergrace doctrine:

Hebrews 12:6-8:  For whom the Lord loveth he chaseneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth.  If ye endure the chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons; for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not? But if ye be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are ye bastards and not sons. 

It is time for us to embrace repentance and understand that we are to die daily and be transformed by the renewing of our mind.  As we mature and change from glory to glory, that change and maturation only begins with repentance.  

Peace, Love and Grace,

Calvin Calhoun, Jr.