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Household of Calhoun

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Sowing Series: Honor

My beloved, this seed is one that many struggle with and it is no wonder so many are immature.  When you sow honor you reap grace.  So many have no clue what honor is.  In Genesis, Abraham showed honor to Melchizedeck.  Remember Melchizedek brought bread and wine and Abraham tithed to him.  The tithe BEFORE THE LAW was to show honor.  The Scriptures also say that those that labor in the Word are worthy of double honor.  Many will say that honor is solely monetary and that is not true it is not all monetary.  You give to celebrate your sonship not out of force or reluctance.  You can show honor with your service and time.  But remember, being stingy is a sign of being a orphan and if we are to be like our Heavenly Father it is better to give than to receive.  When you receive the one that the Father sends with the Word and you receive it and show honor to them, you receive or reap grace.  Remember the Word of God is full of GRACE and truth.  

I can remember when I received the Word of His grace from my spiritual father and as I showed honor and celebrated my sonship, I reaped more grace and more grace.  I reap it not to hoard it but to dispense it to the sons of our household and those the Father bring within my sphere.  When we keep in mind that what the Father gives us, is to bless and share with others, this is how the House f God is built trans-generationally.  We must learn to show honor to those who bless us with the Word that if you will receive it, you will reap grace.  We mature by His grace.  Do not be immature and a ripe season to grow…

Sowing Series: Gathering of the Body

Beloved sons, when there is a Gathering of the Body it reaps safety.  One of titles of Satan is "accuser of the brethren".  A lot happens when the Body of Christ gathers.  There is fellowship of the Spirit, apostolic doctrine, breaking of bread and prayers.  These are the four pillars of Kingdom culture  but there are other things that happen at the gathering and there is a unloading of burdens and spiritual immunity. The unloading of burdens or confessing our faults one to another reaps safety because sins can be forgiven and the devil cannot accuse you of that sin that once held you in bondage.  I am reminded of a gathering in Egypt in a particular arrangement when God instructed Israel to prepare the passover but the key is that they were to be in households under the blood of the lamb and that blood gave them spiritual immunity from the death angel that would smite the firstborns.  In the Book of Numbers God would arrange the nation of Israel according to their households and tribes and as they moved through the wilderness in this arrangement and obeyed God they were victorious over all their enemies.  The arrangement also was strategic to protect the weak and feeble.  

I am very passionate about this because with technology we have been able to join households and go to church without actually going.  Problem is these technologies are great for people who cannot attend but for those who are local, the gathering is where you should be.  In the Gathering of the Body you shall reap safety.  

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Sowing Series: Integrity

Beloved sons, this seed is extremely important because our Father is Holy and in being holy His motives are pure and to have a pure motive is to have integrity.  In as much as Oneness reaps credibility, Integrity reaps Deliverance.   Being honest and truthful will always deliver you.  Even to come into the House of God you came by the truth.  Truth is not knowledge per say but a person in Christ.  He said, I am the way, the Truth, and the life.  It is more important to focus on being free eternally.  When we lie, scheme and deceive or have a lack of integrity, were are subject to the bondage of the system and/or the principalities governing that sphere.  The truth makes you free.  Having integrity allows us live, move and have our being freely in Christ.  The Father will confront us when we fail to have integrity just as a natural parent would instruct their children to always tell the truth.  Having integrity requires us to be transparent so that our good cannot be spoken of as being evil.  Whether it be within the House of God or on our jobs, continue to sow the seed of integrity because we evil comes the truth makes you free.   

Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Body of Christ

Household of Elijah - United States

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Sowing Series: Oneness

Beloved sons, Oneness reaps credibility.   It took me a while to understand but thank the Holy Spirit for understanding.  The Body of Christ is arranged by the Holy Spirit.  We know that we have spiritual fathers giving oversight to souls arranged within the House of God in the order of Households, Clans, Tribes which make the Holy Nation.  Now when a spiritual father accurately is putting on display the character and ways of the Father, the Father in Heaven gives him sons to watch over their souls and bring them to maturity.  It is within this arrangement and oneness of the house that shows the credibility of the one whom the Father has sent in His name.  Let me use this example to minimize confusion if there is any.  Jesus had 12 disciples who were also sons and He said this to them:

John 13:34,35:  A new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another: as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.  By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.  

God is love!  So the manner by which we show love, we show the Father.  Jesus said this is how ALL men shall know that you are my disciples.  Jesus said:  Greater love hath no man than this, if one lay down his life for his friends.  For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son.  Do we see that love is sacrificial and generous. This is how we show who we are and who we belong to.  When we live within the eternal reality of our oneness with Christ we reap credibility.  His reputation becomes ours.   

Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Body of Christ

Household of Elijah - United States

Thursday, November 13, 2014

The Sowing Series: Obedience

Beloved Sons of God:

Our next seed we can sow is obedience.  Obedience reaps rest.  Sounds weird huh?  No not really.  Jesus tells us to come unto Him all the labor and are heavy laden and He will give you rest.  Take His yoke upon you and learn of Him for His yoke is easy and His burden is light and there you will find rest for your souls.  Notice in the paraphrased Scripture the key part is taking the yoke that is on Jesus and placing it on us and learn of Him.  Who?  Christ, the Son of the Living God. He then says when you learn of Him you will find rest (Sabbath) for your souls.  The placing of the yoke is to come under the command and rule of Christ.  To come under His rule (learning of Him) one must be obedient.  When we are obedient to the Spirit, our souls will find rest.  So we can say that our souls can be tormented when we are disobedient and seek our own will and way.  Understand that being obedient to the Father will make you contrary to society's norm and the ways of the world.  Let me close with this powerful statement from Christ:  If you love me, then obey my commandments.  When we obey the commandments of God we cease from our ways and find rest in the ways of the Father.    

Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Body of Christ

Household of Elijah - United States

Sowing Series: Repentance

Beloved sons:

Our third seed you can sow is repentance.  Repentance reaps revelation.  Romans 12:1 (Paraphrase) Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  To renew your mind is to repent from living from the ways of this world.  Change your mind about yourself and who you think God is.  The reason why you must repent is because revelation is only given Spirit to spirit.  You must submit your soul  (free will center where you think and perceive) to the revelation that comes from the spirit.  If you do not repent you cannot receive revelation because you are living from your soul and not from the spirit.  Remember that there are two types of wisdom.  There is the wisdom from below that the Scriptures say are sensual, carnal and devilish and there is the Wisdom from above with is gentle, peaceable and easy to entreat.  Our problem is we want God to give us revelation but He knows that you do not want to change when He releases the revelation.  This is why nothing is being revealed.  Revelation is for the repentant mind. In order to reap revelation you must sow repentance.  

Calvin Calhoun, Jr.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Household Gatherings now Available on Itunes, Double Twist and Tune-in Radio

Exciting News to share with everyone: 

Our Household Gatherings are now going to be available on 3 of the largest internet platforms for podcasts for free download.   You can download them if you have a Google or Android phone or tablet or iPhone and iTunes platform.  They are available on:

Itunes Podcasts
Double Twist App Podcasts (Android)
TuneIn Radio App Podcasts (Android)

Search:  Household of Calhoun Gatherings 

Grateful to the Father for extending our reach and availability of our teachings to the world and of course completely free to all.   

Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Body of Christ
Household of Elijah - United States


Sowing Series: Praise


1 Peter 4:12-13:  Beloved think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you as though some strange thing happened unto you: But rejoice inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ's sufferings; that, when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy.  

The second seed we a Sons can sow is praise.  When we sow praise we reap power.  Pertaining to the Scripture above, it is easy to praise God when the going is good but when the trial come does our praise turn to fear?  It is in times of trouble that the Father loves to show up because the response to trouble makes a clear distinction between a son and a orphan (fatherless individual).  Peter writes us and encourages us to rejoice or give praise in the midst of these trials because the glory of God is revealed.  This is odd to the carnal Christian, they expect God to show up in the good times and He does but the Scripture tells us that in times of trials our praise will reveal the glory of God.  When we give praise to our Father, our Abba, our Source, He empowers us by His grace to overcome the trial.  This is why God would tell Paul, my grace is sufficient.  Suffering one of the major ways the Father matures us sons.   When we sow a seed of praise we will reap power.  Let me share this testimony in Scripture of this exact principle:

Acts 16:25,26: And at midnight (darkest hour), Paul and Silas prayed and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them.  And suddenly there was a great earthquake so that the foundations of the prison were shaken: and immediately all the doors were opened, and every one's bands were loosed.  

Praise reaps Power!!!  

Monday, November 10, 2014

Sowing Series: Prayer

Galatians 6:7,8: Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever  a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh  reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit reap life (zoe) everlasting.

Beloved sons remember we desire to sow to the Spirit and reap everlasting life.  When we reap everlasting life we are able to put the Father on display in the earth.  The first seed you can sow is prayer.  

When you sow prayer you reap intimacy with God.  God tells us to pray without ceasing.  Prayer is communication with God.  When we can mature in our prayer life our prayers shift from being focused on us to being focused on advancing the Kingdom and the will of the Father.  In the Letter of James it tells us that the prayers of a righteous man availeth much.  Why?  Because the righteous, the mature son, desires to pray the Father's will to be done and His prayer is not selfish but for the benefit of others.  Do not get me wrong in our spiritual infancy and youth, God will grant those request so that we can see that He does answer them but like a child, we must grow up and as we grow we change and so should our prayers.  As we mature our prayers and communication with God should become more intimate and personal.  

Over the next week focus on your prayer life and really ask yourself what am I praying for?  Jesus said our Heavenly Father knows that we have need for all these things BUT seek FIRST the Kingdom of God and His righteousness.  When we so prayer we will reap intimacy with God.      

Peace and Grace
Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Body of Christ
Household of Elijah - United States

Sowing Series

Beloved Sons of God:

Today we will examine the importance of sowing.  Let me lead off with this Scripture:

Galatians 6:7,8: Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever  a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh  reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit reap life (zoe) everlasting.

Now notice there are two types of sowing.  There is where one sows to the flesh and now who sows to the Spirit.   Now notice Paul informs the church that if you sow to the flesh you will reap corruption.  We know in the flesh is greed and jealouy and trust em if you sow into jealousy and fred you will reap corruption.  So the question is obvious what or how do we sow into the Spirit.  Over the next 9 days we will share with you that will help you to understand the concept of reaping and sowing.  Keep Galatians 7:8 in your memory for the next 9 messages.  

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Patriarchal Thoughts: Sons and Glory

Proverbs 17:6:  Children's children are the crown of old men, and the glory of children are their fathers.  

This Scripture is so sweet to the spirit.  We as sons of God are created, designed and purposed to display the glory of the Father in the Earth.  When creation looks at us they should see the Creator because we are one with Him and we are the radiance (Hebrews 1:1-3) of His glory.  This is much more than just winning souls to Christ, this is about reconciling lost sons back to the Father for the them to live out their time in the earth as they were designed: to rule and reign putting on display the glory of the Father.  The major reason why the Father cannot be seen through many of us is because we lack understanding of how we are sons and our created purpose.  Our perception of ourselves must line up with the Father's perception of ourselves. 

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Patriarchal Thoughts: Wisdom

Proverbs 16:16: How much better is it to get wisdom than gold! and to get understanding rather to be chosen than silver!

A major reason we have such chaos within the church because many are under the rule of unwise men.  Many chase the money and put emphasis on giving and tithing instead of making sons wise. So many churches are being run as businesses and hence so many fall because of currency.  We are seeing this right now.  When you become wise you control the money effectively and the Father can command more resources to you because you are desire Heavenly things over earthly currency.  Solomon desired wisdom above all.  Only a son who is wise can build what the Father desires in the earth. 

Peace and Grace,
Calvin Calhoun, Jr.