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Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Journey of the Sons of God to the Promised Land

Journey of the Sons of God to the Promised Land
Today’s Focus: Introduction

Greetings Sons of God:
It is vital for us as sons of God to study God’s Word so that in our search He will give us His wisdom, knowledge and understanding into who we are, who He is and what He has called us to do.  For many of us when we read Scriptures we for the most part really do not deal with the Old testament because we are as some people say “A New Testament church”.   Of course I do not advocate this mentality because there is so mush wisdom, knowledge and understanding locked in the Old Testament that for us to understand who we are, we must go back into the Old Testament and allow the Lord to show us.  That brings me to this series.

Now we know that physical Israel journeyed from Egypt into the Promised Land by way of the wilderness but what we have been shown by the Lord is that, this journey was not just for physical Israel but it is a picture for Spiritual Israel, the House of God to understand the journey that we must take if we are to come into our inheritance which is the Kingdom of God and rule in the earth once again in the name of the Lord.  Now one of the important biblical principles is how God hides wisdom in names.  For example:
Abraham=Father of Many Nations
Samuel=The Lord Hears
Jehoshaphat=The Lord Judges

Now understanding this when we start to examine these four major nations that come against Israel in the wilderness in their progression to the Promised Land we must examine what their names mean and in the revelation of their names we will then be able to see what spirits we as the Sons of God, the House of God must overcome if we are to come back into righteous rule in the Earth. 

When you began to understand what their names mean then when you see them in Scripture then you will began to understand what is going on and the issues Israel is dealing with in their advancement to the Promised Land.  The four nations we will examine in this series will be:
1.           Amalek
2.           Midian
3.           Moab
4.           Ammon

It is time for us to study and stop regarding men by the flesh but by the spirit and when we do that we then have a heavenly view and an accurate view and ministry then can be true and effective.

Peace, Love and Grace,

Calvin Calhoun, Jr.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Tree of Life Part 2

Topic: Symbols and Realities of the Matured Church and Tree of Life Part 2:  The Tree of Life


Let’s look at the tree of life here in Revelation 22:2.  First we see something very unique if not weird from the carnal eye.  The Scripture says, On either side of the river was there the tree of life.   Now wait, there are two sides to the river but there is one tree.  How can this be?  Let me use this analogy.  Have you ever been in a room with a picture of a person and it look like the picture is looking directly at you.  No matter where you moved in the room it seemed to keep looking at you.  Hey you could even leave the room and peak around the corner and it seems the picture is still looking at you. It is called single-eye vision.   No matter where you are you see one tree and the tree of life is Christ.  No matter which direction or position you are looking from there is one tree.   We were first introduced to the tree of life in this Scripture:

Genesis 2:9: And out of the ground made the Lord God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. 

Now for most people the tree of life is seen here and in Revelation but as we started this entire study.  The entire Bible is about the revelation of Christ but I desire to show you the tree of life through the Scriptures:

Proverbs 3:18:  She is a tree of life to them that lay hold upon her: and happy is every one that retaineth her. 
1 Corinthians 1:24:  But unto them which are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God, and the wisdom of God. 

Proverbs 11:30:  The fruit of righteousness is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise. 
Romans 10:4:  For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth

Proverbs 13:12:  Hope deferred maketh the heart sick: but when the desire cometh, it is a tree of life.
Haggai 2:7:  And I will shake all nations and the desire of all nations shall come: and I will fill this house with glory saith the Lord of hosts. 

Proverbs 15:4:  A wholesome tongue is a tree of life: but perverseness therein is a breach in the spirit. 

So there are multiple Scriptures speaking to the tree of life who is Christ.  Now lets further examine the tree a little bit.  The Scripture in Revelation 22:2 states that the tree bared 12 manner of fruits and yielded her fruit every month and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. 

We see the tree of life bares 12 manner of fruit and the fruit is available every month.   We know the 12 is an apostolic number and the 12 fruits are symbolic of the fruits of dominion.  It is an endless supply because available all year long.  Moreover this is also a picture of the end of seasons.   Now as it pertains to the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.  Here is a question?

If this was to be happening in Heaven as many people teach, why would anybody need to be healed in Heaven? 

No one is going to be healed in Heaven but there are many who need to be healed in the Earth.  The leaves of the tree represent the ministry gifts of Jesus.   When true ministry happens then the gifts of the Spirit can be used to heal people and notice all of this, the fruit and leaves are connected to the tree of life who is Christ.   So our fruit and dominion comes from Christ who dwells within us.  This progressing right now!  So many are trying to put this in the after-life when it is progressively happening now.   Let me show you this last picture and then we will wrap this series up!

After Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden they were kicked out and then God did this:

Genesis 3:24: So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life. 
We know that Cherubims and a flaming sword keeps the way to the tree of life to this day.  Sounds strange?  Well we know that angels are messengers.  The cherubim is the covering messenger who is carrying the proceeding word, the water of life and they lead you to the tree of life who is Christ Himself.    So to get to the tree of life, you must receive the one whom He sends because they are the messenger and the flaming sword is a picture of the Word which is a consuming fire that purifies the person that seeks to come to the Tree of Life.    The gifts of the tree of life is immortality and healing

In Summary:
Revelation 21-22 is a picture of the matured wife of Christ, the Church, the Sons of God and Christ Himself.  We as the sons of God are the New Jerusalem and within the city who is us is a street of pure gold who is Christ and He being the Way.  In the midst of the street is a proceeding river of the water of life who is the Holy Spirit and the Word of God from the throne of God and the Lamb.  On either side of this river within the street within the city who is us, is the Tree of Life who is Christ and from Him are the 12 fruits of Dominion and the ministry gifts (leaves) for the healing of the nations.  

What a powerful revelation of who we are and whom we are in and who is in us!  This is an unfolding reality for those are spiritually minded and connected to Zoe life.  To the carnal man this will be at best an after-life experience.  Do not let this be you!  Repent, hear the Word of the Lord and move by His Voice. 
Peace and Grace

Calvin Calhoun, Jr.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Matured Church and the Tree of Life

Topic: Symbols and Realities of the Matured Church and the Tree of Life Part 1


We were first introduced to the tree of life in the book of Genesis and now here in the book of Revelation we see the tree of life again.  Let me start with this Scripture:

Revelation 22:1,2:  And he shewed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb.  In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.  

This is a very loaded set of Scriptures but we must dissect it and get an understanding of what this means.  We already discussed that what John was seeing and recording was symbolic so we need the Spirit to give the reality of what John was seeing.  We saw in the previous message that the sons of God is the New Jerusalem.  Let’s deal with each item and I promise you will be amazed. 

Why the street?  Well if you have been around for a while you have heard that Heaven’s streets are paved with gold.  The Scripture says this:

Revelation 21:21: There are twelve gates were twelve pearls; every several gate was of one pearl: and the street of the city was pure gold, as it were transparent glass. 

May I say to you there are no streets in Heaven.  This is symbolic but notice that the Scripture says “street”  as in singular. So there is one street in the city.  This is a picture of Christ because Jesus made the declaration that He is THE WAY.  The street represents a way, a path and the fact that it is pure gold is a picture of the divinity of God.  His path, His way is pure and Holy because He is Holy.  Remember the story of the transfiguration.  In Matthew 17:1-13 we see that Jesus takes Peter, James and John up into a high mountain and Jesus was transfigured.  Then appeared Moses and Elijah.  Peter thought in himself he would build 3 tabernacles, one for each.  Before he did, the Father came over and said these words:

Matthew 17:5:  While he yet spake, behold, a bright cloud overshadowed them:  and behold a voice out of the cloud, which said, This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased; hear ye Him.

So the Father corrects the mindset that Peter have because Moses and Elijah were held in high places in the minds of the children of Israel but the Father shows us that the Law (Moses) and the Prophets (Elijah) was fulfilled in Christ.  So the street of the city is Christ.  

Water of Life
Well to know what the water is you can look at the next word which is life.  Life in the Greek is Zoe so this is eternal water.  Water is a picture of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God.  You cannot go anywhere without the Word of God leading you.  We know the Holy Spirit and the Word of God is Zoe.

Proceeding is a unique but very powerful word in Scripture.  It means always flowing out.  In Revelation 22:1 it says that the pure river of the water of life is proceeding out of the Throne of God and the Lamb.  This means that the Word of God, the Spirit of God is consistently flowing out from the throne of God and the Lamb.  When we think of a river, it is always proceeding, it is always fresh and new and as the sons of God we should always be seeking a fresh word from the Throne.  When you think of the children of Israel in the wilderness, the manna they received from Heaven was fresh daily!  So fresh that God told them do not hoard or store but for one day which included the Sabbath.  So every day they got new bread.  The water that flowed from the rock that Moses struck, every atom of water was new, nothing regurgitated or stale.  We need the proceeding word from the Throne.  The wisdom that originates from the earth, is carnal, sensual and devilish and produces death. 

For the sake of information and time we will talk about the tree of life in the next message.

Peace and Grace,
Calvin Calhoun Jr.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Destructive Spirits that Hinder the Building of the City Church

Topic: The Destructive Spirits of Jezebel, Korah, Absalom and Adonijah that Attempt To Hinder the Building of the City Church

Spirit of Absalom (2 Samuel 14:19-15:6)
Beware of this spirit in building the city church.  It is a son who seeks to usurp the authority of the set man by trying to appease the congregation by giving or planning to give them what they want, not what they need.  They seek the audience and plants seeds of doubt about the leadership.  In by doing so, they turn the hearts of the congregation against the set man.  Beware of this spirit.

Spirit of Korah (Numbers 16:1-35)
Korah was the leader of the rebellion against Moses and Aaron in  the wilderness when they came out of Egypt.  The spirit of Korah seeks to usurp the set man rebelling against authority and submission to authority.  These people are well-liked persuasive and charismatic.  They seek to get people to submit to them and desire to restore the old order of things.  They discontent with their position in the church and jealous.  They will try to get others to rise up against someone in leadership and campaign their ideas  and recruit others  before approaching leadership which creates a groundswell of favor and opinion for the idea so if it is reject the leadership looks incompetent.  They place themselves and their counsel above leadership and the assembly. 

Spirit of Adonijah (1 King 1)
This spirit seeks to take advantage of the set man in his most vulnerable position.  They seek to be the leader at all costs and they wait for the most opportune time to jump at the opportunity.  Even though God has a plan and a establish His successor as leader.  The spirit of Adonijah ignores the plan of God for selfish gain and pride.  Those who are truly covenantly bonded will stay with God’s plan.  But those who are not will side with those who have no vision for personal gain. 

Spirit of Jezebel (Revelation 2:20; 1 Kings 16)  
This spirit is very destructive to the building of the city church.  And the fact that it was seen in the Old and New Testament let’s us know that this spirit is still seeking to destroy all that is in true authority.  Some of the characteristics of spirit of Jezebel are:
1.   Seeks control through manipulation and has a deep hatred for true spiritual authority.  Uses emotional pressure, witcraft and sensuality (sexual and non-sexual)  in the pursuit of power to gain control.
2.   Likes to use the power and influence of others to accomplish its goals. 
3.   Seeks complete dominance and will attempt to cause leaders to be suspicious of the true prophetic message which bears the testimony of Jesus.

Leaders must show no mercy when this spirit tries to rear its head.  We must give not ground

These are the spirits that will seek to undermine and destroy the work of the Lord within the city.  In building the city church, it is not about numbers but about the quality of the people coming.   They must recognize the grace of the set man, they must give themselves to him in understanding how to carry the vision.  The doctrine of Christ must be to doctrine of the church within the city.  The leaders must be discerning and wise to prevent such spirits from destroying the church.  Let us mature that we may see with the Lord’s eyes and rule as He would have us to rule.  Show no mercy to those spirits that seek to divide and destroy. 

Peace, Mercy and Grace:

Calvin Calhoun Jr.