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Household of Calhoun
Monday, February 25, 2013
Spirit of Ammon: Sacrifice of Children
Journey of the Sons of God to the Promised Land
Today’s Focus: The Spirit of Ammon Today Part 2: Sacrifice of the Children
Scripture: Deuteronomy 18:9-12
Greetings Sons of God:
Deuteronomy 18:9-12: When thou art come into the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not learn to do after the abominations of those nations. There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch, or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard or a necromancer. For all that do these things are an abomination unto the Lord: and because of these abominations the Lord thy God doth drive them out from before thee.
When we examine the spirit of Ammon and we know that the most common sacrifice of children we talk about in Christian circles is abortion. Now we know abortion is the killing of children and is strictly against the law and commandment of our Lord but when we examine this Scripture notice not only does the Lord speak of the physical sacrifice but also He points to the spiritual sacrifice of our children. Divination, observer of times, consulter of familiar spirits, witch, wizard or necromancer all point to the turning of the hearts of children from their Lord to the spirits, powers and principalities of darkness.
If we take a deep look at the things our children are exposing themselves to or what we are allowing them to be exposed to we will find some of these very things in the things that they are being exposed to. For example we see a complete influx of horror films, cartoons glorifying false god worship, identifying themselves through horoscopes in many of our children. What it really shows is a search for the spiritual or supernatural. We know in the Body of Christ there is good and evil in the supernatural and when we search using our carnal being we will more likely find the evil spirits and they will use every trick in the book to appease to your desire to trap you.
The enemy understands that if he can get your children then he also gets the subsequent and future generations. This is why we as parents must be spiritual minded and informed about the movements of the enemy and be able to explain to our children why doing these things is wrong in the Lord’s eye. Anytime we expose and allow our children to learn of this spiritual abominations to a point that they indulge in it, we sacrifice them. Yes Abortion is killing many children everyday but how many of our children are being spiritually killed by the above things because of parents not teaching their children about the Lord and being informed of the movements of the enemy?
The spirit of Ammon seeks to defile the sons of God through these things that appeal to our carnal desires in the attempt to kill off, not only physically but spiritually, generations of sons of God. This is why parents are given to watchover (pastor) their children and be aware of the fact that the enemy seeks to infiltrate the home and the church to defile the people of God.
Peace, Love and Grace,
Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Sunday, February 24, 2013
The Spirit of Ammon Today: False God Worship
Journey of the Sons of God to the Promised Land
Today’s Focus: Spirit of Ammon Today Part 1: False God Worship
Scripture: Psalm 2:1-3
Greetings Sons of God:
Because we now understand that the spirit of Ammon is primarily characterized by a rule of the people then we see one of the primary forms of government harbors that allows this spirit to rule and even govern people is the government of democracy. Democracy is characterized by a rule of the people. When it is a rule of the people that governs a nation then whatever the people’s opinions are which can be influenced by culture and even religion, that will be the way decisions are made for the whole of a nation. Because I live in the United States let me us our nation as the example.
Psalm 2:1-3: Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves and the rules rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against his anointed saying, Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.
This nation was supposed to be founded on Christian principles. Now we know the United States has a dark past of slavery and segregation which scar run deep even to this very day but because we are discussing a spirit let me show you how the spirit of Ammon has crept its way into our nation and how it is revealing itself.
False God Worship
Many in our government who the people vote for or think they vote for are part of secret societies and other organizations that are only there to promote their cause and really the god of their organization. We see major secret socities such as the freemasons and skull and bones in our government and the symbols of their existence is throughout our nation from the buildings to the currency. The thoughts and actions of the god of the organization run deep within those who are sworn to it and they are there to forward the agenda of the god of that organization. The Ammonites were a people who did not worship Yahweh of the Scriptures. They worshipped Molech and other deities. We know that these false gods and deities sought ways through people to defile Israel and cause them to sin against God.
It will not be until the Lord Jesus Christ begins to rule and reign over the United States that this nation will get better. It begins with the turning of the hearts of fathers to the sons and sons to the fathers. One person at a time. But understand that when Christ is exalted in a nation the nation is blessed and protected. But also understand because we are sons of God and the god of this world despises us, he will rise up against us and make war with the saints, we are seeing today in our nation, the attack on Christian principles. It is the worship of the sovereign God that restores order, rule and peace to any nation.
In the next message we will look at the spirit of Ammon and the sacrifice of the children.
Peace, Love and Grace,
Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Character of the Servant
Understanding Servanthood
Today’s Focus: Character of the Servant
Scripture: John 4:23,24; John 14:15; Isaiah 56:5; Luke 15
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
What is the character of the servant? First the servant is someone who is completely subjected and submitted to the Master. They are consumed by the Will of the Master. The Will of God is revealed to those who seek Him and worship Him in truth and in spirit (John 4:23,24). However when we do not know or the revelation of Christ is absent in the lives of people then the proclamations that people make “in the name of Christ” is just like producing golden calves in the name of Jesus. Servants are solely dependent on the Master. The servants of God do not depend on human beings.
Dependence on human beings is a area of our lives that all of us have had to migrate from if we are to mature in Christ. If we are to be the servants of Christ, then we depend completely on Him. This is why Matthew 6:33 tells us to seek the rulership of God (Kingdom of God) over your life first and seek to be in right-position with Him (righteousness) and all these things that are needed and some desired are added unto us by God. One of the areas of life that we struggle with this is in relationships where the people depend on each other to fill the emotional voids in each other’s life. These voids can only be filled by the Spirit of God because it is the Spirit of God that makes you whole. Fill each other’s void is always a temporary fix and may times it leads to us carrying other’s burdens that we were never created nor meant to carry.
Next, a servant always responds to the command of the Master. The servants of God love the Father and in showing that love they respond to His commands. John 14:15: If you love me, keep my commandments. Servants have no expectations of pay or rewards for what they do. Their pleasure and desire is to serve the Master. I know this is messing with someone because in these times of the prosperity gospel, we are to pray for riches and people say if you are obedient then God will give you something. We are to serve because that is a part of the divine nature of God (2 Peter 1:4) and we lay down our lives, the rule over ourselves, so that others may live. This type of servanthood requires strict obedience
Now let me show you the importance of obedience in the life of a servant. Before the fall in the Garden there was no need for faith. Huh? Yes, there was no need for faith. Adam simply obeyed the commands of God His Father. So obedience to the Father was the forefront principal in the maintaining the Earth. Faith did not come into play until after the fall. Why is this the case? Faith simply takes us from being double-minded and double-visioned (soul and spirit) to being single-minded and single-visioned (Lead by the Spirit). When we are obedient we come under the covering of the one who is speaking, namely the Spirit of Christ.
Isaiah 56:5: Even unto them (eunuchs or servants) will I give in mine house and within my walls a place and a name better than of sons and daughters: I will give them an everlasting name, that shall not be cut off.
Isaiah spoke of a name which is higher than that of sons or daughters to those servants of the Father’s house who carry the characteristics of being a servant and being in strict obedience to the Father. When you look back at the Prodigal Son (Luke 15) when he came to his senses he said in Luke 15:19: “And am no more worthy to be called thy son: make me as one of thy hired servants.” The son simply wanted to be in the presence of his father. The wonderful thing about this story is that the father accepted him back as his son and clothed him and gave him all back what was rightfully his and all he has to do is stay in right positioning with his father and serve him in his house. Now in contrast the elder brother that was already in his father’s house becomes self righteous and speaks to his father about what he did and why he did not receive “the party” (Luke 15:29). When you become self-righteous you cannot appreciate the love of a father and this is why the father in the prodigal son story explained to his son that even though his son went astray he still loves him and he celebrates because this son was dead and now alive but as for you who already serve me in the house, everything the father has is already yours. So watch this:
You do not serve the Father for an inheritance because if your in the House, everything that belongs to the Father is also yours because you are joint heirs with Christ and Christ has received everything from the Father and He is the mediator of the inheritance and He dispenses the inheritance to the sons as desired by the Father.
So we serve the Father out of love for the Father because it is our desire to please Him through our service, worship and praise. We do this from the position of a servant allowing Him to live freely and unconditionally through us to accomplish His Will in the Earth for our lives.
We will continue to look at the character of the servant and look at and example in scripture.
Peace, Love and Grace from the Father,
Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Objectives of Servanthood
Understanding Servanthood
Today’s Focus: Objectives of Servanthood
Scripture: Luke 1:35-38; Isaiah 58:14; Mark 10:44; Hebrews 1:1-3
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
What is the objective of the principal of servanthood. The first objective is to provide and prepare the Body of Christ. A great example of this is the interaction between the Mary and the angel. In Luke 1:35-38 Mary speaks of herself being a handmaid of the Lord. She was the prepared vessel to bring the Son of God to the Earth. Mary had to be a servant to carry Jesus.
The second objective of servanthood is to bring the sons of God into their destined governmental and jurisdictional privilege. See we have sought the high places in the Earth and did not understand that in order to ride upon the high places of the earth which are the governmental positions one must become a servant first (Isaiah 58:14). Jesus said Himself that is one seeks to be chief, one must become the servant of all (Mark 10:44).
The third objective is to proclaim and carry the fame of God. Now this one is the doozy. The problem with this is we have people who proclaim the name of Jesus but seek their own personal fame and try to give the credit to Jesus. Great examples are television stations such as TBN and the Word Network who promotes secular people who simply mention the name of God to draw believers to the channel. In addition, many of the people who are on these channels are fleecing and raping the church through greed and false gospel doctrines (inclusion and prosperity). Other worldly shows that has “God” attached to it just for fun is Sunday Best which is a American Idol knock off where people judge gospel singers (sounds crazy) and Homosexuals and cross-dressers producing comedy and sitcoms that have “promote a Christian meaning” while still making fun at the church. These people seek their own fame but let me show you this. God did not create ANY OF US TO BE FAMOUS. Fame destroys people. When you become worldly famous you have just now left your position in the Kingdom. Jesus was far from famous and he did not seek His own glory but sought to to be a reflection of His Father’s glory (Hebrews 1:1-3). It is not a part of our spiritual DNA to desire fame. We are not created to be glorified but to reflect the glory of God in the Earth. We are not called to own anything but we are called to manage or steward the Earth. We are called to serve the living God and carry HIS FAME in the Earth. We are here to point men to Him because we lay down our crowns at His feet.
Now in being a servant of God, we are all equal as it pertains to the Father but where we are not equal is in terms of functionality and ranking and this is determined by the Father according to the gifts given to man. Even though one may have authority they themselves are still servants and all positions in the Kingdom of God requires a servants attitude. We must surrender our rule and time to the Master and become bound to Him.
Do we see the type of dedication we should have to the Will of God and improving and maturing our relationship with the Father? Can we begin to see how far off we are from really doing the work that we are called to do. We cannot serve two masters! We will either serve the desires of our flesh/soul or the desires of God, our Father and Master.
In the next message we will begin to look at the character of the servant.
Peace, Love and Grace from the Father,
Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Sunday, February 3, 2013
Defining the Servant
Understanding Servanthood
Today’s Focus: Defining the Servant
Scripture: Matthew 25:14-30; 2 Peter 1;4; Acts 6:1-6;
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Now we said that in 2 Peter 1:4 that we are to be partakers of the divine nature and part of the divine nature is servanthood. Every citizen of the Kingdom of God must adopt the principal of servanthood. No longer are you members of some organized club, religion or denomination, but you are sons of God (Ephesians 4:19,20). The desire of the sons of God is not to take over lands but to produce and mature sons and perpetuate the Will of God through the ages of time. When we look back at many of the parables Jesus spoke, He spoke of a servant managing a house. Just like in the sacraments we can see the heart and principal of servanthood that God has called us to be as His sons. Look at it from this perspective:
There was the Kingdom parable of the buried talents (Matthew 25:14-30). In verse 14 it makes a reference that the Kingdom of Heaven is like a man travelling into a far country (Earth), who called HIS OWN SERVANTS (SONS OF GOD) AND DELIVERED UNTO THEM HIS GOODS. Now when God begins to make the servants give an account of what they did (stewardship or manage) to the servants that managed what was given to them well, the Lord said this:
Matthew 25:21: His Lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful SERVANT: thou has been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.
Notice in the words the Lord uses. He refers the sons of God as servants and please do not try to theologically diminish this title of servant. You are called to be a son but in being a son you must become a servant because your Father is also a servant at heart. We must learn to labor in the dust and not be afraid to get dirty serving others. Some people call this the ministry of the deacon. The word deacon is first seen in scripture in 1 Timothy 3:10 where Paul is explaining the qualifications of a deacon but in Acts 6:1-6 we see the first appointment of deacons to ministry by the apostles. The word deacon in Greek is diakoneo and it means this:
Deacon: To be an attendant that is to wait upon or to serve.
Now in understanding the role of the deacon, if we study apostolic ministry we will also see that the apostles were deacons also. See, we have minimized and diminished the role of the deacon. However, all of us must labor by serving. Now we do not serve unto man, but unto God. None of us are called to be slaves to man. This is why the human spirit rebels against oppression by another human spirit. The only person the spirit will respond to from the position of slave or servant is the Spirit of God. We are all called to be slaves unto the living God.
In the next message we will look at the objective of servanthood.
Peace, Love and Grace from the Father,
Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
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