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Sunday, August 26, 2012
The Assurance and Confidence in Sonship
Understanding Sonship
Today’s Focus: The Assurance and Confidence in Sonship
Scripture: Hebrews 4:1, 8-16; 2 Corinthians 3:18; Galatians 3:19; Romans 14:17
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Now of course we should be sure and know that we are the sons of God because God swore an oath with Himself that He would have sons. We talked about in a previous message that you cannot obtain the inheritance of the son by works. So living under the Law cannot fulfill the promise because the Law does not make sons. These sons of God are unique because they are sons of the King, but because they carry the image and likeness of the King then they are kings themselves. They are priests just like the King. Their priesthood is their ministry. They are citizens of the Kingdom of God which offers everything that man is searching for, power, righteousness, peace and joy. According to Romans 14:17, all of these things can only be found in the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Adoption (Romans 8:15) that adopts you into the family of God. Now let’s look at one of those attributes, peace. Peace is quite confidence. Peace is unique because in the midst of all turmoil and hell breaking loose, you can find peace in the Holy Spirit. And after all of this work you will find rest in God from your labor. Let’s look at this controversial issue today.
The Jews, UNDER THE LAW, were to keep the Sabbath. It was a day that they are to rest from their work. Now even in Israel today, they observe the Sabbath. The Arabs come in on the Sabbath and run various businesses because the Jews are at home observing the Sabbath. Now remember the Law covered the truth in shadowy form because only the Spirit can give revelation and truth. So because the Jews rejected sonship and got the Law many of the various principals of the Law are shadows of the truth to be revealed in time. Let’s look at Hebrews 4:1. Now people say the Sabbath day is the day of rest from labor, but look at where Paul says rest is. Hebrews 4:1 says “A Promise being left us of entering into HIS rest, any of you should seem to come short of it.” So this rest is not in keeping the Sabbath, it is in being a son of God and being in Christ. The scriptures clearly says HIS rest. Now if the Sabbath was supposed to give you rest why did the scriptures speak of another day to come. Let’s look at Psalm 95:6-11. If you read this, it should be obvious that the person kneeling is in the presence of the Lord. Now if you are under the Law, then you are separated from God by a veil. You do not have the privilege to go behind the veil and be in the presence of God, because only those in Christ can go boldly before the throne. So, even David understood that there is another day coming that we will be able to bow before the throne. And to further prove this, look how the Psalm ends in verse 11: Unto whom I sware in my wrath, that they should not enter into my rest. The Sabbath was already established and this is supposed to be the day of rest? No, the day of rest is for all of those who enter into Christ. Because if you enter into Christ then you will not suffer the wrath of God that is found in Revelation. Now let’s wrap this up on a great note. Hebrews 4:8, For if Je’sus (this is interpreted to be Joshua) had given them (Children of Israel) rest (Sabbath), then would he not afterward spoken of another day. There remaineth therefore a rest to the PEOPLE OF GOD. For he that is entered into His (Christ) rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, AS GOD DID FROM HIS. Let us labor therefore to enter into that (Christ) rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief.
The Sabbath is a shadow of the day of the Lord that all who have entered into Christ, those who are His sons, shall find rest from their labor. And if you are a son then you should be confident and assured that one day you will rest from your labor.
At Our Father’s Service,
Elder Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
The Relationship of the Father and Sons
Understanding Sonship
Today’s Focus: The Relationship of the Father and Sons
Scripture: 1 Peter 2:4-5; Haggai 2:6-9; 1 Corinthians 6:19-20
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
In our previous message we left off with the great proclamation and the result of everything put under Jesus feet and Jesus handing the Kingdom back to the Father so that “God may be ALL IN ALL”. We also discussed that no longer will there be specific gifts for specific people but the full weight and glory of God be in all. Who is all? All are the sons of God. Now remember the current day Beth-el on Earth are the believers and sons of God. Beth means house and El means Elohim or God, so we are the House of God! Let’s look at another scripture. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20! Now in this scripture is referring to treating your body with respect and fleeing fornication. In addition, God is saying that your body is a temple (house) of the Holy Spirit. Now of course we know that this body will die because of sin and corruption and we will be raised in another that is immortal and incorruptible. None the less in this present day age we as the church and sons of God, are the Beth-el on Earth.
Now, let’s look at 1 Peter 2:4-5 for some revelation to the summation of Jesus handing all that is the Kingdom over to the Father.
“Ye (you) also, as lively stones (living), are built up a spiritual house (House of God), an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ”
In other words, you, the sons of God, will make up the House of God (living stones). And in this house of living stones, God will abide in His full glory and weight (All in All). This house will be the final and finished product and revelation of what God always wanted. Now all of this is seen in the new testament but remember God always has a truth wrapped in a veil in the Old testament and this mystery is no different, Haggai 2:6-9:
Starting at Haggai 2:6 we see that the Lord Jesus (the word “I”) will shake the heavens and the earth, and the sea and the dry land. Why because everything that is not anchored down to God and His Kingdom will be done away with. Now verse 7, and I will shake all nations. In other words every nation not anchored to the Kingdom of God will be shaken and destroyed, that is including people. Now the good part: “and the desire of all nations shall come”. This is referring to Jesus. Let’s keep going: “I (God) will fill this house (Sons of God) with glory, said the Lord of hosts. Verse 8 states that all is the Lords and now verse 9:
“The glory of this latter house (House of God) shall be greater than if the former, saith the Lord of hosts and in this place (Sons of God) will I (God) give peace (the result of His rule), saith the Lord of Hosts.”
The House of God is what will remain after all is said and done. This house is made up of the Sons of God and they are the stones that make up the house. God will dwell in these stones forever and ever with full glory and power in all.
At Our Father’s Service,
Elder Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Identity of the Sons of God
Today’s Focus: Identity of the Sons of God
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:24-26; Matthew 7:9-12; 1 Peter 2:4-5; Haggai 2:9; Philippians 4:19; Revelation 20:14; Romans 8:19
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Much of our problem today in the church is that we have an identity crisis. And one of the phrases I heard growing up about who we are is this:
“ I am a sinner saved by grace”
Now I grew up with that mentality because that is what the church people said. The problem with that is it holds your spiritually at the point in your life when you were saved and then jumps you to whether you go to Heaven. In other words, I am saved and now I just try to make it in when my name is called on the role. Now I am saying this, if that is who you want to be, go ahead but that mentality is that of a free slave. The reason it makes you a free slave is because they way you view God determines the standard of life. This mentality puts you in the view that there is miserable little me and God had pity on me so He saved me. Nothing in that mentality says Kingdom, power, dominion or family. Now Romans 8:19 says “For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God. And Romans 8:22 says “For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now.” So from this we can safely conclude that all of this pain and groaning of the whole creation is waiting for the manifestation of the Sons of God. Being a sinner saved by grave will not get it done. That mentality will not even get you close to your destiny, let alone the power to even work in your calling. It is evident that what is needed by the creation are the sons of God. Now look at why this is the case and why we need to re-evaluate who we think we are in Christ because if it is not a son, King, Priest or Ambassador then you will have a difficult time “searching for your purpose”. Let’s look at 1 Corinthians 15:24-27.
“Then cometh the end, when He (Lord Jesus) shall have delivered up the Kingdom of God, even the Father; when He (God the Father) shall have put down all rule and all authority and power (demonic forces). For He (Lord Jesus) must reign, till He (God the Father) hath put all enemies under His (Lord Jesus) feet. The last enemy that shall be destroyed is Death (Revelation 20:4). For He (God the Father) has put all things under His (Lord Jesus) feet. But when He (God the Father) saith all things are put under Him (Lord Jesus), it is manifest (understood) the he (God the Father) is excepted (exempt), which did put all things under him (Lord Jesus)”
Now I did this to show even though God is Father, Son and Holy Spirit to put the picture together you have to know how the various persons work. Now what you have going on here is the millennial rule of Christ where the final person to be put into the lake of Fire is Death. Now what does this have to do with you being a son of God? Everything and let me show you. Up in the 24th verse we have at the end of the Millennial rule of Christ, the handing over the Kingdom of God and all that it is and that includes us, back to the Father. At this point we have the sons of God being mature or perfected. And now in verse 28, God gives you the outcome of this covenant he started with Abraham over 6,000 years ago and it is this:
“And when all things shall be subdued unto him (God the Father), then shall the Son (Lord Jesus) also himself be subject unto Him (God the Father) that put all things under Him (Lord Jesus), that God MAY BE ALL IN ALL.” Ok this is a large statement because the way we are individually with various destinies and purposes will all come to a head with the full power and presence of God in all. The same power flowing freely through all. The way we are now, the power is distributed for the specific task to be complete. But in that day the full weight and glory of God will be in ALL. Now in the next message we will look at how this will be accomplished!
At Our Father’s Service,
Elder Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Monday, August 20, 2012
The Tithe and Offering Part 3
Understanding Sonship
Today’s Focus: The Kingdom Tithe and Offering: Part 3
Scripture: Luke 16:10,11
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Money has been used to represent the best blessing a man can receive but in actuality it is the lowest but God uses it as the appropriate test to see if we will be good stewards. In this whole passage in Luke 16 we see the parable of the steward but let’s look at our selected verses 10 and 11:
He that is faithful IN THAT WHICH IS LEAST (MONEY) is faithful also in much; and he that is unjust IN THE LEAST (MONEY) also in much. If therefore ye have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon (money), who will commit to your trust the TRUE RICHES?
Money is looked at as unrighteous mammon and the least of the true riches. This is why God uses it as a meter stick to see if you can be trusted with. So this then makes sense, if you cannot be trusted with unrighteous mammon or money then how can you be trusted with true riches of the Kingdom. Let me use this big illustration and I know it may offend but the truth needs to be exposed:
In the United States through the latter of 2008 and unto this day, we have seen churches closing for lack of finances and churches having to cut services because they could not afford the electricity bill for lack of funds. In addition, we see Pastors begging for money because the church is in debt and in many cases it is a lack of financial accountability. Why are we seeing today record number of these troubling situations? Well is it because:
1. We have left the central message of Jesus Christ which is the Kingdom of God?
2. We have put our faith on building big churches with large congregations to increase money intake?
3. Have we mishandled the tithes and offerings of the people and stole and mislead them to a point that they no longer trust “the church”?
All of these have happened but none more that number 1. Because number 1 is the heart of God and if we understood number 1 then 2 and 3 are of no consequence because we understand that in the Kingdom all of our needs are supplied and if we seek the Kingdom first then everything else comes with the territory. But we have become mislead because of the image and put our faith in the image of the Pastor and not the Master, Jesus Christ. And when the pastor falls, then what are you left with. Let me share my personal testimony:
Coming out of school I was making high five-figures and spent most of it on things that I longed for and wanted. My mom would have to remind me to pay my tithes. And as I switched jobs and went into the six-figure mark, I began to spend more and more on me and not on others. I looked at the blessing as a reward for all my hard work in school which resulted in the money. I wasted that money from the standpoint that I spent it on self and on girlfriends but not on God and His Kingdom. It was not until I did what the Lord said, took a twenty thousand dollar pay cut and went to the job He told me to go to that I begin to learn about the Kingdom and how to be a good steward. Now since I have been converted for the past 3 years to the message of the Kingdom, I had to learn how to be sound with money. There were times I tithed my last dime and God had to correct me to take care of what He told me to do. There were times He told me never outspend on self over God. There were times I gave unwillingly and not cheerfully. But out of all of that, I learned and my approach to giving is completely altered and change. Now it is done freely and from the heart. I tithe in celebration of my sonship and my inheritance of the Kingdom. No longer do I worry about food, water and clothing, but I wait upon the Lord to use me in the manner that He sees fit and allows me to bless others as he would have.
Kingdom Citizens, I am declaring this today, tithing is a great opportunity to show the world that you are a son of God and an heir of the Kingdom. When you give, give cheerfully because Kingdom citizens do not worry about those basic necessities because their Lord, their Father, their Source, takes care of all of that for them. This can only be accomplished through faith.
At Our Father’s Service,
Elder Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Understanding the Kingdom Tithe and Offering Part 2
Understanding Sonship
Today’s Focus: Understanding the Kingdom Tithe and Offering; Part 2
Scripture: Acts 20:35
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Now we left off with this profound statement:
The reason we tithe and give offerings is to celebrate the fact that we are sons of God and have an inheritance!
So why is this not being taught and understood in the church today? Why is tithing and offering looked upon with a frown. It is because people do not understand it and many leaders are not teaching the celebratory meaning of the tithe. When I look back at the interaction between Abraham and Melchisidek, I see happiness and joy in the giving of the tithe to Melchisidek. Many use the Law to justify the tithe. But this in itself is crazy because we are not under the Law! Let me show you a scripture you know you have heard on why you should tithe:
Malachi 3:10: bring all your tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, If I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.
Now the problem with using this is the belief that if you do not tithe then your life will just be utterly miserable and completely distraught. Did anyone think that Malachi was under the Law and not a son of God? And the people were required by the Law to tithe to the Priesthood (Levites). Let me say this again! When you use the Law to justify why we tithe, we make slaves out of people and they view tithing as a negative thing. In the New Testament you are treated as sons and not as slaves. The tithe is not about your supply; it is about your celebration of your sonship. You celebrate the fact that you have an inheritance from your Father. For example we celebrate the Lord’s Supper which celebrates our resurrection. We celebrate baptism, which celebrates our separation from the world. It is a symbolic earthly gesture used to represent an eternal action. So what about offerings?
Offering is how God tests you to see if you may become a conduit of blessings to others. Offerings are extra and let me explain. God supplies all of my needs and gives me extra. Now the offering is the test to see if you will take the extra and bless someone else or will you hoard it for fear of not having enough. This is where you have the war between the soul and the Spirit. Either you trust God to supply all of your needs or you hoard what God gives you, not believing He will supply. This is why the latter part of this scripture says in Acts 20:35: It is more blessed to give than to receive. What is so blessed about giving? Because, being blessed gives you the opportunity to stand in the place of Jesus on Earth and give where He would have given. True giving is giving without expecting anything back in return. It is from the heart. It is His nature to be that way and we have the character of God if we walk after His Spirit. God gave us His own Son (John 3:16), the greatest gift of all so that we may have eternal life. So offerings are opportunities to bless someone else and stand in on Earth where Jesus would have and give to those in need. And when you do that, God trusts you with more and more of the Kingdom and you grow spiritually and closer to God.
Now in no way am I saying that we should not tithe because we should, but the attitude toward why we do it should be different. So I want to make it clear. But I know that we will see a better commitment to tithing if we are taught about the celebratory reason why we tithe. God loves a cheerful giver and when we give grudgingly then our giving is for naught.
In the next message we will look at money and how it has been used to mis-represent the true blessing of God.
At Our Father’s Service,
Elder Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Friday, August 17, 2012
Understanding Tithe and Offerings
Understanding Sonship
Today’s Focus: Understanding the Kingdom Tithe and Offerings of the Sons
Scripture: Genesis 14:18-20; Genesis 28:19-22; Hebrews 7:4-13
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Now this is probably the first time I have dealt with tithe and offering since this ministry’s conception two and a half years ago. So much has been misunderstood about the tithe and offering. To many Christians, the tithe and offering is viewed as negative because they feel they are getting ripped off. They see the pastor with millions of dollars worth of cars and they are still left with a beat up day-to-day car. But sadly the part that they miss is that they are not spiritually growing. Let’s look at a slight history of the tithe and offering and I know once you hear this message your view on tithing will change because it is not meant to be burdensome but a celebration.
Now we know the tithe to be a tenth of your first fruits. Now one of the first places you see this is in Genesis but not where you may have thought. Genesis 14:18-20! Here we have Abram and Melchisidek. Now let’s lock on verses 19 and 20. Here we have Melchisidek blessing Abram and Abram giving him tithes of all he had. Now you may say so where does the tenth come from? Genesis 28:19-22! Here we have Jacob changing a place called Luz to Beth-El (House of God) and making a vow with God and vowing that He will give God a tenth of all God gave him. So now we at least have some form a foundational scripture on this. But here is something else, all of this happened before Mt Sinai and the Covenant of Law. Over 430 years before the children of Israel’s deliverance from Egypt. So the tithe was customary in that time and not by the Law at the time. But look at this again, we know that the tribe of Levi was the priests of the nation of Israel. But where was Levi during both of these events between Abram and Jacob. That’s right, the Levites were not even born yet. But yet we see Abraham giving a tithe to Melchisidek. One represents a priesthood (Levites) that will die (The Law) and another representing a priesthood that is forever. To really bring this home let’s look at Hebrews 7:4-13
Hebrews 7:5,6 – Here we have a slight explanation of what was discussed above that the sons of Levi (office of priesthood) have a commandment to take tithes of the people according to the Law. These tithes then were taken from their brothers even though they were all from Abraham. But Abraham tithed Melchisidek who was not of Abraham’s lineage and Melchisidek blessed Abraham.
Hebrews 7:7,8 – The less is blessed of the better! The less being the priesthood of Levi which was in Abraham is blessed by the Priesthood which is of the order of Melchisidek which represented Christ which is forever.
Hebrews 7:9-10 – Here is where the revelation gets good. Levi pays tithes to Melchisidek. How? Because he (Levi) was in Abraham when Abraham tithed Melchisidek. So what does all of this even mean to us and what does it have to do with us today as sons of God?
Hebrews 7:11-12 – God explains that if perfection were by the Levitical priesthood then why the need for Christ? The Levitical priesthood was under the Law! Christ fulfilled with the Law! So if Christ fulfilled the Law why do we tithe and do offering because we are not under the Law.
We tithe and give offerings to celebrate the fact that we are sons of God and to show honor!
We will pick up right here in the next message because it is a lot of information and I do not want to lose anybody. I know! The statement above is unique from what is being taught!
At Our Father’s Service,
Elder Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Kingdom Provisions of the Sons of God
Understanding Sonship
Today’s Focus: Kingdom Provisions of the Sons of God
Scripture: Matthew 6:31-33; 1 Corinthians 2:9-16
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Now if your inheritance is the Kingdom of God, what does that come with? Or, what things come with this inheritance. Well let’s start with this scripture before we answer the question. 1 Corinthians 2:9:
“Eyes have not seen nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him”
Now if you read that like I did it is clear that whatever the things are that the inheritance entails it is not something that anyone has seen or heard. So by that point that eliminates the physical and natural as the things God has prepared for them. So how will we know what it or the things are? Let’s move to 1 Corinthians 2:10: “But God hath revealed them unto us by His Spirit; for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea the deep things of God.” So the only way you will know what the things are is that it be revealed to you by the Spirit. So your inheritance is more than house, money, car or any material possession. Now if the Spirit will reveal these things to us that means there is no way to bribe or pay God for the revelation of these things. And if that is the case are these things freely given? 1 Corinthians 2:12: “Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God.” So you cannot pay for this inheritance or its benefits. So what are the things that God gives us as a part of the inheritance:
1. The Character of God
2. The Gifts of the Spirit
3. Your Calling
None of those can you obtain through any work, but through faith and a relationship with Christ. Let me go a step further. If we look at those three gifts of the inheritance then is it not obvious that because we do not understand our inheritance that we have many Kingdom citizens walking around as if they have no inheritance.
Now when we look at the Character of God we know this to be His nature and good will towards His children. It is his integrity sealed by His words. Now because we are in His image and likeness (Genesis 1:26) then the character of God should be expressed through His sons. Now because you are sons you have to be able to do the work that He has called you to do on this Earth. So He equips you with gifts. The gifts of the spirit empower you to do the work that you have been called to do. Your gift can only be revealed to you by the Holy Spirit in His appointed time. It is so sad when you hear about people being saved and then immediately starting up a church or when someone who is homosexual decide that they are to preach the gospel as a homosexual because God made them that way. Let’s use one of our best examples to throw this crazy thought in the garbage. Paul was persecuting the believers in Christ. Christ stopped Him and gave Him specific directions on the road to Damascus (Acts 9). Paul did not start a church here at this time, nor was he aware of what he was going to do in the future. Now Paul was special because He was given grace to be the Apostle to the Gentiles, even though he was not of the original 12 apostles. Paul was not “sent-out” to do the work He was called to do until Acts 13. The laying on of hands confirmed the work they were to do as apostles. Now this leads to my last point, your calling. Now from Acts 9 to Acts 14 there is a time period where Saul (Paul) spent time with the Lord to get the message right and understand what exactly God wanted him to do. Paul did not receive all of this right after he received the Holy Spirit in Acts 9. Because, Paul had great knowledge of the Law, but not of Christ. In Paul’s letter to the church at Philippi, Paul states that all of the knowledge of the Law was self-righteousness and he counted EVERYTHING BUT LOST for the knowledge of Christ (Philippians 3:8,9). Paul’s calling was to be the apostle to the Gentiles and God equipped Him with the gift of the apostle to do the work that he was called to do.
This is where we need to be as Kingdom citizens in being aware of our inheritance. Our inheritance is everything we will need for life and Godliness and that is given freely by the Holy Spirit.
At Our Father’s Service,
Elder Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Understanding the Kingdom Inheritance
Understanding Sonship
Today’s Focus: Understanding the Kingdom Inheritance
Scripture: Matthew 6:31-33
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
In order to understand the inheritance, the Kingdom of God, you must understand how the Kingdom works. Now as I have stated in many past messages, your thoughts and how you live under your government is not Kingdom-transferrable. In other words, you cannot do in the Kingdom what you do in the world. What are some basic Kingdom concepts you need to know to understand this inheritance? The Kingdom has:
1. A King (Jesus)
2. Laws and Principals and these are referred to as Keys (Matthew 16:18)
3. Security (Army)
4. Provisions (Food, Clothing and Shelter)
5. Economy
6. Healthcare System
Now this will be vital to remember because much of our prayer life is centered around 4 of those 6 concepts. The problem with that is that they are basic concepts THAT COME WITH living in the Kingdom of God. Now let me look at concept 1 which is the Kingdom has a King. The King is responsible for the well-being of his citizens. Their well-being is reflective of His statue and reputation. Now what this automatically tells me is that God is getting a bad reputation from His own children, mis-representing His goodness and mercy. Now if the King is responsible then the citizens do not worry about those things. If you worry about those things and you are a son of God then you are a free citizen living as a slave. Let me prove it. If you are praying for these basic things such as provisions, security, health and economy (finances) you are praying as a slave and not a son. Remember when God gave the children of Israel the Law, the Law made the children of Israel slaves because they became indebted to the Law. God made the children of Israel a nation and He gave them security, an economy, healthcare and basic provisions (food, water and clothing). That was given to them! But when you come into the Kingdom you should not guess or wonder, you should know that God supplies all of your needs. Now do not be irresponsible to what I am saying. Do we pray for others (intercession) and ask for God to make a way? Yes, of course! But when those things occupy your being to a point that it is the only thing you think about and worry about and pray consistently about then you are not living as a Kingdom citizen but a slave.
Now when you come into the Kingdom there has to be a conversion in the mind from self-reliance to faith-based trust that God supplies and meets every need. You do not wonder how YOU will get it, but you trust God to provide the answer. So many people, especially our young ones who have been lied to by the music industry, believe that money is the answer to all our problems. We believe if we had all the money those entertainers had, then we would be on the easy street and then lack nothing. But for those of you who have believed the lie that I beseech (beg) you to read about the church at Laodicea (Revelation 3:14-22). God has all the answers to our problems. He may use money as a way to get the answer solved but it is not the answer itself. Money is the lowest of all of the blessing that God can give you and we will visit this in a subsequent message. Now after saying all of this, God makes this declaration to His sons and His Kingdom citizens.
“ Therefore take no thought (do not worry) saying (this could be in prayer), What shall we eat? What shall we drink? Or Wherewithal shall we be clothed (All provisions)? (For after all THESE THINGS (Provisions) do the Gentiles (Unbelievers) seek for your Heavenly Father (God) knoweth that ye have need (necessities) of ALL THESE THINGS. But seek ye FIRST (Priority) the Kingdom of God (God’s governing rule over your life) and His righteousness (Stay in right-position with God) and ALL OF THESE THINGS (Provisions) SHALL (Guarantee) be added (Given freely) unto you (His Children)”
Now the reason I added all of those notes is to show that these things are added freely to those who are in the Kingdom and seek the Kingdom FIRST in their lives. Now if you truly do not believe it then you will consistently struggle to get basic needs met because that declaration by God forces you to make a decision: You will either struggle, stress and kill yourself to get basic necessities and live by the soul OR live after the Spirit and focus all of your energy on doing the will of God and fulfilling you Kingdom destiny and allowing God to meet every need. In the next message we will talk about what the inheritance means to the son of God.
At Our Father’s Service,
Elder Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Monday, August 13, 2012
The Inheritance of the Sons of God
Understanding Sonship
Today’s Focus: The Inheritance of the Sons of God
Scripture: Romans 8:17; Matthew 25:31-34; Isaiah 9:6,7
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
If we are Heirs of God then we obviously have an inheritance. Now in most cases heirs of an inheritance are third-part beneficiaries. In other words, two people make a covenant or promise and the beneficiary of the promise is a third person. For example, a mother and father leave an inheritance to their children. Mom and dad make a promise that after they pass away an inheritance is left for the children or child. Now, the child is not an active part of the promise, but a beneficiary of it. Now, does the child have to work to receive the inheritance? No. So the inheritance cannot be received or obtained by works. And this leads me to our discussion because if we understood our inheritance then:
1. The way we live changes
2. What we pray for changes
3. How we view tithes and offerings change
4. The way we approach giving changes
5. Our mentality changes from self-preservation to self-sacrifice
So what is our inheritance? It is hard to enjoy your inheritance when you do not have knowledge of what it is. Let’s look at Matthew 25:31-34 for the answer. Now to use this in the appropriate context, Jesus is talking about His return. But in verse 34 He tells you what you are to inherit. The Kingdom! Now you may say well that will not happen until His return. It will happen then too! But it also happens now in this lifetime. Let’s prove it by looking at Isaiah 9:6,7 and I want to break this down and show you that the Kingdom was for you today.
“For unto us a child is born..” let’s stop here. The child that is born is Jesus to the earthly parents of Mary and Joseph. “Unto us a son is given..” The son that is given is Jesus, also. But the person who gives Him is God the Father. How do we know this? John 3:16: “For God so loved the world THAT HE GAVE HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON… Now let’s keep moving through: “And the government shall be upon his shoulder”. Now the government is the Kingdom of God and back in ancient days and even today when people carry things on their shoulders they are carrying it for someone else. So Jesus is carrying the Kingdom of God for someone. Now the Holy Spirit gives Isaiah these wonderful names about Jesus:
1. Wonderful
2. Counsellor
3. The Mighty God
4. The Everlasting Father
5. The Prince of Peace
Now the good part in Isaiah verse 7: Of the increase of His (Jesus) government (The Kingdom of God) and peace (the result of His rulership) there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it and to establish it with judgement and justice (rights) FROM HENCEFORTH EVEN FOR EVER. Now the reason I capitalized that portion is because He will give the Kingdom to the saints on Earth now and unto forever. So, the goal of Jesus is to give you the Kingdom not later but today. Let me give you some revelation to further prove this.
There was a high priest called Nicodemus who was troubled so much in His Spirit that in the middle of the night He went to wake up Jesus and ask Him a question. Jesus knows what is on His mind so He answers the question that Nicodemus really wanted to know. If you read John 3:2 you will see how Nicodemus approached Jesus then in John3:3 look how Jesus answered the statement. Jesus tells the priest, the one who knows the law and the scriptures, how to enter into the Kingdom of God. Now to prove that this happens now and not later, look at John 3:5 and the words of Jesus “Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit (Holy Spirit), HE CANNOT ENTER INTO THE KINGDOM OF GOD. Can the words of Jesus be any clearer that the inheritance for us is the Kingdom of God? No works that you do can get you in. That is not an inheritance then if you have to work for it. Only upon a confession the Jesus is Lord and faith in your heart that God raised Jesus from the dead can one enter into the Kingdom. In the next message we will continue this discussion on Inheritance because this will be revelation for those free citizens still approaching God as a slave.
At Our Father’s Service,
Elder Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Kingdom Responsibility and Accountability
Understanding Sonship
Today’s Focus: Raising Sons of God: Kingdom Responsibility and Accountability
Scripture: Ephesians 4:7-12
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Now in past messages we talked about being empowered by the Holy Spirit. But for those who may have missed, the Holy Spirit is the person that empowers the saints to do the work that they have been called to do in the Kingdom. Now with this power comes responsibility and most of all accountability. As you grow in your walk in the Kingdom you are given gifts to equip you to do the work for the Kingdom that you are called to do. These gifts are a part of the Government of the Kingdom. These gifts are found in Ephesians 4:11. The gifts are of the apostles, prophets, pastors, evangelists and teachers. The scripture then goes on the say that these five gifts work together for the perfecting (maturing) of the saints. We have done a series on these five gifts and I will not go over all of them but let me look at the apostolic gift.
The apostolic gift shows us the relationship between power, order and understanding. Power is the source by which anything is done in the Kingdom and our power comes from Christ. Matthew 28:18 says it best, the words of Jesus: All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Now that we know Jesus has all power, what do you think would happen if He gave us all that power? Right, we had it before and we corrupted ourselves and lost it. So there has to be order. Order distributes the adequate power to the adequate person to perform the necessary function. Now what did Jesus give us the power to do first? Matthew 28:19: GO YE THEREFORE AND TEACH ALL NATIONS. In other words, go make disciples! Jesus did not tell us to go make converts but make disciples. See our job is to lead people to the Master and not the Pastor. The Master, Jesus is the one who has all power. The Pastor is under the Master. If you lead someone to your Pastor at best they will be a great church member, but if we teach people and make them disciples when they do come into the church, they have something to contribute and not look for the Pastor to give them a feel good message to appeal to their emotions. Citizens of the Kingdom, this has to do with delegation of power from Jesus. The Pastor cannot give you any power that he does not have. All the power given to him is from Christ.
Now as you grow as a son of God, The Holy Spirit then at the appointed time will give to you empowerment (gifts) to do the work you have been called to do. The key is His appointed time. Before I became an Elder, there was time that I had to spend with God and He took me through struggles and suffering until I could handle the gift He has given me. But once you have been given the gift and responsibility, how you use it, will determine how you will be held accountable. Let me give you an example,
How can an apostle be an apostle if they do not understand the Kingdom of God or know the mysteries of the Kingdom of God?
If they are the ones to order and establish the churches then they have to know and understand the Kingdom of God because the Kingdom gives power and order to the saints. See the reality is, I do not really care for titles if the fruit you are bearing is not consistent with it. I show respect where respect is due. But all of these title holders with no true Kingdom power is fraudulently robbing and deceiving the saints. Let me show you some titles I have seen that should make you say Huh?
1. Master Prophet – Did not Jesus say call no man master?
2. Chief Apostle – So are there various levels of apostles?
3. Chief Bishop – Isn’t the Bishop supposed to be the overseer of the church anyway? Why do you need a chief bishop?
4. Bishop of Intercessory Prayer – Prayer needs overseeing??
All of this is to appease people to their emotions by giving them a title that Christ did not give them. Does anyone remember when the mother of Zebedee’s children asked Jesus for her sons to sit at the right and left hand of the Father and the other disciples became upset about it? The apostles were the apostles! There was no chief. We need to read and just allow God to do it His way! He established the way that He wanted it done and where everyone, man, woman and child, should be in the church. Anything outside of what God established is out of order and when you are out of order, the power cannot flow properly to you and you cannot be used effectively because our Father is a God of order. Everyone cannot be the head. Everyone has their place, stay there and mature and allow God to live through you because the more you aspire to be when you are out of order, the more chaos and disorder follows you. Follow God and allow Him to equip you for the task He has called you to do.
At Our Father’s Service,
Elder Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Friday, August 10, 2012
Suffering Part 2
Understanding Sonship
Today’s Focus: Raising the Sons of God: Suffering part 2
Scripture: 1 Peter 4:12-14; Hebrews 12:11; Hebrews 5
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Now I lead off the last message with the statement that we all must suffer. Now let’s look through the scriptures to show this. Do not let the devil steal this message from you and make you think you have done something wrong when things just happen. Let’s start at 1 Peter 4:12-14: “Think IT NOT STRANGE concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, AS THOUGH SOME STRANGE THING HAPPENED UNTO YOU: BUT REJOICE, inasmuch as ye are PARTAKER’S OF CHRIST SUFFERINGS; that when His glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy. It is clear to see right here in scripture that trials will come and you will have to suffer because Christ suffered but now the good part. After suffering you will see His glory, not in His return only, but in that situation and upon deliverance. Let’s keep it rolling! Hebrews 12:11: Now no chastening FOR THE PRESENT SEEMETH TO BE JOYOUS, BUT GRIEVIOUS: Nevertheless the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby. What is God trying to show us? We should welcome suffering, as naturally weird as that may seem because it is our time to grow. Yes we may cry and yes we may hurt those are natural emotions but we should also become closer to God putting our full trust in His comfort and power. And finally let’s look at Hebrews 5:8-10: Though he were a Son (Jesus), yet learned He (Jesus) obedience BY THE THINGS HE SUFFERED; And being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey Him (Jesus); Called of God an High Priest after the order of Melchisedek. Now I know after all of this we are saying that ok, I have to suffer to grow now let’s answer your next question, For what purpose is this?
When you start off in the Kingdom you are a babe and have to grasp the foundational principals of Christ (Hebrews 6:1-3). Pastors, every new convert you get should learn those principals. After grasping those principals you begin to grow from a babe to a child and to a teenager and then to an adult. So your journey through the Kingdom is a growth process. The more you grow, the more responsibility and accountability you have toward the things of God. No different from our natural maturation. If I wanted to be a pharmacist there was a gradual process to get there so that when you arrive you are responsible and accountable. Jesus did this with His disciples in Matthew 10. After teaching them and showing them what they will endure and what the message is, He sent them out with direct instructions so they can experience the Kingdom. All the disciples had growing pains, none more obvious than Peter. But as they grew from Matthew to Acts you begin to see the level of responsibility they were given through time. First they had to sit and be taught (Discipleship) and then they were told the message to tell the people (The Kingdom of God). After listening and learning then Jesus allowed them to go out and preach the message of the Kingdom of God. After that then they saw Him casting out devils and healing the sick. After sitting and understanding that aspect of the Kingdom, Jesus sent them out again and allowed them to experience that. So what we see is a growth that results in the maturing of the son of God and more responsibility and accountability given to him to carry out the will of God. The disciples had to suffer in order to grow, from forsaking their families, storms, arrests, public trials and in some cases disagreements with each other. But all of that was a part of the growth process of the son of God.
It is time to embrace our trials and remember that we glory in tribulations also; knowing the tribulation worketh patience and patience, experience and experience, hope (Romans 5:3-4). In the next message we will go back and look at this level of accountability and see how it impacts the Kingdom of God.
At Our Father’s Service,
Elder Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Raising the Sons of God through Suffering
Understanding Sonship
Today’s Focus: Raising the Sons of God: Suffering
Scripture: Luke 4:1-13; Philippians 4:6-9
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Now as weird as that may be as a topic is one that has been misunderstood and used incorrectly. When we look at suffering we see sad, gloom and adversity and to our soul that is what suffering is. But to God suffering is a growing tool and we will take a look at how God uses suffering to mature the sons of God. Let’s use the best example to describe how this works and we will use Jesus!
Now in our past message we talked about the Holy Spirit being responsible for raising us and maturing us as sons of God. This was no different for Jesus. After being baptized at the Jordan, our scripture, Luke 4:1 states that Jesus was led by the Spirit (Holy Spirit) into the wilderness knowing that He would be tempted of the devil. Now Jesus was fasting during this time so it should come as no surprise what the first temptation was going to involve. It involved food because the scripture says Jesus hungered (Luke 4:3-4). Now fasting is a time period where we sacrifice our flesh to hear the Spirit. So the devil tried to make Jesus turn to His flesh and make His soul make a decision independent of what God the Father wanted Jesus to do. If Jesus had done this, this would have separated God from Jesus and the program of salvation would be over. But Jesus used the Spirit to fight the devil and not Himself. Then of course there were the other temptations by the devil in which Jesus passed and triumphed over them all. This was no doubt hard for Jesus, especially physically but He stayed close to the Father during this time and in this time He grew in Spirit. Jesus from that point on would encounter harder trials and tribulations even to death. But because He stayed spiritually connected to God through His life, He became stronger and stronger and more mature as the Son of God on Earth. Now because of His faithfulness unto death, He was able to pay the price for our sins and give us the ability to be adopted as sons of God and begin our new life as children of the Most High. But God used suffering, all the way unto His death, as one of the tools for Jesus maturation. Now if it happened for Jesus, it will happen for us.
Suffering has gotten a bad reputation in the body of Christ. When something bad happens to us, others speculate that we must have done something wrong to upset God and this is our punishment for that. I will never forget one of my first experiences with suffering. When my wife and I lost our first child, I did not understand why. I had turned my life around and really given myself to the Lord, so why should this happen to me?? And when I received the news from my wife about our child, the Lord at that moment, in less than five seconds told me “My peace surpasses all understanding.” Funny, it was Philippians 4:6-9 that we had studied and I had taught from that day before in Sunday school before we had learned of our loss. I felt the Lord hold me tighter and at that moment I became stronger. When I went home I had to not be so macho, per say, but be strong for my wife and I told her what God told me. At the time did it make it easier for her? Maybe not initially but the Lord a day later told me that we have to go through things to grow and be ready to minister to someone else who would go through the same thing. Little did I know 4 months later a close brother and sister in Christ went through the exact thing and we were in position to witness and minister as the Holy Spirit directed. As painful as that situation was for me and my wife, we grew in spiritual strength and maturity in dealing with death and caring for those that are hurting. But it taught me that I needed to learn to depend on God for everything and stay with Him through any trial and tribulation because He is the one that delivers us.
Some people look at our loss because we may have done something wrong and others speculated for other reasons but God showed me we all have to suffer because when we have to go through those trial and tribulations we need to learn to depend more and more on God and less on our own abilities.
I did not even get where I wanted with this message so we will pick up in the next message with understanding how suffering is used as a tool to raise and mature the sons of God.
At Our Father’s Service,
Elder Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Aspects of Raising the Sons of God
Understanding Sonship
Today’s Focus: Aspects of Raising the Sons of God
Scripture: Colossians 3:1-3; Genesis 1:26; John 15:1-9
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
The raising of the sons of God is one of the most neglected topics much like Making Disciples. These are topics and issues that will empower you to look a little deeper and spend more time with God to have a better relationship but moreover to come more mature as a son of God. There are two aspects to raising sons of God on Earth. There is the internal and the external.
The internal aspect works on your personal character. Why is your personal character important to sonship? It is your character that shows you have a relationship with God. Your character also shows your desire to be like God. You desire the dominion and authority a son of God should have. Adam’s character of being a son of God is laid out in Genesis 1:26 in the statement of man being in the image (spirit) and likeness (character) of God. Now once the Holy Spirit works on your internal aspect, the Holy Spirit then works on the external aspect of the son of God.
The external aspect of the son of God is meant to show you how to handle your inheritance (sonship). In other words it is the manifestation of the internal aspect. Remember rulership works from the unseen Holy Spirit living in the spirit of man and manifesting on the Earth through the physical body of man. So, the external aspect of your rearing is for you to take more responsibility in the Kingdom and mature you as a son of God.
Now for some of you this may sound confusing but let’s look to the scripture for clarification. In John 15:1-9, Jesus is telling a parable about He being the vine and we being the branches. Now if you know agriculture this should make sense but if not it try to follow along.
When a grape seed, represented by God the Father, for example, is planted and grown, the first thing that come up is the vine, this is represented by Christ. Now while this vine starts to grow, where are the branches and the fruit? In the vine, makes sense. Now from this vine we have branches that extend out from the main vine, these are the sons of God (they are IN CHRIST). The branches as well as the fruit are in the vine first and the vine came from the seed. Now as long as the branch stays connected to the vine, it receives nourishment and growth. This is the internal aspect of our growth as sons of God. But when one branch is not receiving proper nutrients, it dies and is cut off from the vine. There are people who are in the Kingdom doing nothing and they die doing nothing, please do not be one of them. But for those that receive proper nutrients those branches bring forth fruit showing that they are grapes (fruit of Spirit, which is Christ expressed from the branches). This is the external aspect of our growth and the original seed they came from was a grape seed (God, the Father).
The internal working is developing our relationship with Christ and our external is the manifestation of that relationship, in the handling of various aspects of the Kingdom that shows who we are sons of God. But all of this according to Jesus hinges on our relationship with Christ (John15:5). Without Him we can do nothing. Fruit does not just come out of nowhere. It comes from the branches of the tree that is planted. So the fruit that should be expressed are those of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22,23). Now with all of this said, show me where the Law does this? The Law, once again DOES NOT MAKE YOU A SON. It is sad but the children of Israel, even today, do not consider themselves sons of God because they live by the Law. I am glad to know some of my Israeli brothers and sisters that have been freed by Christ and realize the freedom in Christ and try to go back home to Israel and spread the Gospel. The Bible speaks of how the veil is still over the faces of Israel to this day (2 Corinthians 3:15,16). We should continue to pray for Israel for their spiritual freedom in Christ as well as all of those who have not come into the Kingdom. The only way they will know the Kingdom is real is that the branches (sons of God) show some fruit (Fruits of the Spirit), which is the evidence on Earth of the eternal Kingdom of God.
At Our Father’s Service,
Elder Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Suppression of the Sons of God Part 2
Understanding Sonship
Today’s Focus: Suppression of the Sons of God: Part 2
Scripture: Colossians 2:13 - Colossians 3:4
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
We left off talking about believers who are free, wanting to teach other to be slaves by going under the Law. We examined Colossians 2:13-18 and we will pick up right there. Colossians 2:19: And not holding the Head (Jesus), from which all the body by joints and bands having nourishment ministered, and knit together, increaseth with the increase of God. These believers, who live under the Law, do not hold Christ as the Head, they hold the Law. But it is Christ who nourishes our spirits and it is Christ that nourishes the body of Christ, or His church. Christ came and did away with the Law and now there is no condemnation for those who walk after the Spirit. Now God is wrapping this up about this subject in verse 20: If ye (sons) be dead with Christ from the rudiments of the world (order or ways of the world), why, as though living in the world, are ye subject to ordinances (The Law). God now describes how these believers act in verse 21: Touch not, taste not; handle not. If you want to eat pork, eat pork! See there was condemnation to those who ate pork, but after Jesus He sanctified all of that so that there is no condemnation for eating pork. Now just know that too much pork is bad for you, esp. for your heart so please use wisdom, but I digress. God then finishes the question in verse 22 but let me write the entire question so you can see the point God is making:
If you be dead with Christ from the rudiments, or ways of the world, why even though you live in the world, are you subject to ordinances (The Law) after the commandments and doctrines of men?
God is simply asking if you were set free by Christ why go back under the Law. The Law will not help you with your walk with God nor will it mature you as a son of God. If you could be a son by the Law then what is the purpose for Christ coming? Ok, we got it now! And finally verse 23: Which things have indeed a shew (appearance) of wisdom in will worship (self-imposed worship) and humility (false humility) and neglecting (harsh treatment) of the body; not in any honor to the satisfying of the flesh (lacking value in restraining sensual indulgence). The believers, who live under the Law and try to get you to live under the Law do not understand that the Law lacks spiritual wisdom, spiritual nourishment and spiritual sacrifice of oneself to do the Will of God in the last message we saw what the soul did now here we see the difference when you walk in the Spirit as a son of God:
1. You receive revelation and truth from God esp. pertaining to shadowy truths and mysteries of the Old Testament
2. The Spirit will lead you and guide you through danger to mature you and show you the goodness and power of God (will visit this in a later message)
3. The Spirit will teach you and empower you to fulfill your purpose and destiny on the earth for the Kingdom. A Life fulfilled!
You cannot do those three things living under the Law because this is Spirit driven.
Do not let someone who believes that living under the Law makes you more pleasing to God than one who does not because that is not true. God wants us not to have self-righteousness (that’s by the Law) but His righteousness that is by the Spirit!
At Our Father’s Service,
Elder Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Friday, August 3, 2012
The Suppression of the Sons of God by the Law
Understanding Sonship
Today’s Focus: The Suppression of the Sons of God by the Law
Scripture: Colossians 2:13 - Colossians 3:4
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Now in a past message called “Slavery vs. Freedom” we saw how the Law enslaves the believer and prevents them from realizing their sonship in Galatians 3:15 through Galatians 4:24. Now after all of this to the church at Galatia, God realizes we still have a big problem with people wanting to be under the Law and now the church at Colossi gets to hear about how the Law suppresses sons of God. Now let’s lay a couple ground statements and then we will allow the scriptures to support those statements so that it is not I (Calvin) who is saying this but God.
1. The Law does not make sons, it makes slaves through disobedience.
2. The Law cannot raise you in being a son of God, it condemns you when you can’t keep it.
3. You cannot grow in the Law because it takes faith to mature as a son of God and the Law is written for you to see. The Law does not bring about righteousness but condemnation.
We start at Colossians 2:13 with God telling the believers that being dead in our sins, He (Jesus) has quickened together with Him (Jesus) having forgiven you (sons) of all trespasses. Simple to understand that once we came into the Kingdom all of our transgressions were forgiven. Now verse 14: BLOTTING OUT THE HANDWRITING OF ORDINANCES THAT WAS AGAINST US, WHICH WAS CONTRARY TO US. Stop right here! God is saying the handwriting of ordinances is the Law. Now what did He do? He blotted them out. In other words, He did away with the Law as a schoolmaster over us (Believers). But here is the great part for all of those who love to live under the Law: God says “That the Law (ordinances) were AGAINST US AND CONTRARY TO US! In other words, the Law was our enemy to sonship. Now look how God did that. He took it out of the way, nailing it to His cross. The Law was nailed to the cross when Jesus died and was resurrected. Now verse 15; Having spoiled principalities and powers, he (Jesus) made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it. When Jesus came, He showed how the Kingdom citizens and the sons were different from those under the Law. Here is an example, Matthew 5:27,28. Jesus shows here that if a man looketh on a woman and lust after her then he has already committed adultery. Now how is that so unique because the Kingdom life is not based on the Law but the condition of your heart. If you were under the Law, the only way you break that Law is that you actually commit the act, but Jesus said looking and lusting which are not physical in the sense. So this is why you cannot use the Law to raise sons because the Law has nothing to do with the condition of your heart. You cannot become a better Christian by obeying and living under the Law and those who criticize saints for not living under the Law here is a scripture right in line with our discussion. Colossians 2:16: LET NO MAN THEREFORE JUDGE YOU (BELIEVERS) IN MEAT OR IN DRINK, OR IN RESPECT OF ANY HOLYDAY, OR OF THE NEW MOON, OR OF THE SABBATH DAYS: WHICH ARE A SHADOW OF THINGS TO COME; BUT THE BODY IS OF CHRIST.
I hope all of you who want to take us back under the Law read that statement and repent. These are the words of God through our brother Paul to believers, saints, sons of God, Kings and Priests. Now God does not stop there He wants to completely deal with this. Verse 18: Let no man beguile (trick) you of your reward (sonship) in a voluntary humility and worshipping angels, introducing into those things which he has not seen, VAINLY PUFFED UP BY HIS FLESHLY MIND (SELF-RIGHTEOUSNESS). See these people who are free but believe we should live under the law will approach those who are free with their own form of humility and beliefs and try to convince you that what they know because they live under the Law makes them better and shows that they know God. But that is backwards in thought because the Law was put into place because the children of Israel rejected the covenant to become sons and rejected coming into the presence of God, face to face and not behind a veil. So they do not know God face-to-face because they have put a veil (the Law) over their face and deal with God from behind the veil.
I am stopping here and we will pick up at Colossians 3:19 in the next message. God Bless.
At Our Father’s Service,
Elder Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
The Growth and Maturation of the Sons of God
Understanding Sonship
Today’s Focus: The Growth and Maturation of the Sons of God
Scripture: Romans 8:15; Matthew 6:9; Matthew 27:46
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Now after a hard-hitting mini-series on the Law versus sonship now we are going to look at how are sons of God raised and matured and show throughout how the Law suppresses and oppresses this growth in the life of the believer. Some of the questions we will look at over the next couple of messages are:
1. Who raises a son of God?
2. What makes a son of God different from those sons who choose to live under the Law?
3. How is a son of God reared?
Now the very first question is one that we need to get answered immediately and the person who rears a son of God is the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:15). This is how, by the Spirit of the Father testifying with our spirit and we will go much more in-depth on this later. But why is that important to know? Before you were saved and adopted into the family of God, you were lead by your soul. You soul governed you and from your soul you reasoned, thought and rationalized about life to yourself. Your soul was all about self preservation and safety. Sounds good but that is not how the Spirit operates and we will see this later. Your soul tries to figure out the future by using past experiences, overlaying them to today’s circumstances and try to figure what the future will entail. With all of this comes a loss of energy, time and life. This is one of the ways the devil kills you by causing you to waste energy and time because he knows that your days are numbered and if he can steer you away from your destiny and sonship then you will never be able to exercise the Kingdom dominion God has for you. So it is the Holy Spirit’s responsibility to rear you in your walk to become a more mature son of God because some of us have been in this for many years and are still babes in Christ. This is only for a couple of reasons:
1. You chose not to know Christ and understand sonship and simply seeked salvation
2. The Eldership that was to watch over your soul did not teach you about sonship.
3. You live under the Law!
Now if it is the Holy Spirit’s responsibility to rear you as a son of God, what is the purpose? The purpose is so that you mature to be like God in nature and conduct. Who would not want to be like their Heavenly Father? We learned from past messages that God’s covenant was to have sons. God does not want church members or religious people. The covenant was for sons. This means a family-oriented relationship. How many of us call God, God? How many of us call God, Father? Is there anything wrong with any of those? No! But the point is the more you understand sonship, the more you call God, Abba, or Father. Funny even in the Lord’s Prayer, the very first line is “Our Father.” The only time that I have read that Jesus called God, God, was when He was on the cross in Matthew 27:46.
In the next message we will look at Colossians 2 and see how the Law has the opposite effect and why it is inadequate in rearing sons. The more I have studied this the more I realize what is important to God and what to watch out for. I also have seen how far off we have become since Christ in understanding how we are sons of God. I know we have many Kingdom-minded people that have understood this and live this but for the majority, this is lacking in understanding and when we start thinking this way we will walk in the newness of life and be Spirit-lead and not Soul-lead.
At Our Father’s Service,
Elder Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
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